Chapter Four

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C H A P T E R      F O U R


Adrien's POV 

I sat on Marinette's balcony. I've been here a couple of times. Only once as Adrien now that I think about it. Should I date her as Adrien? It is obvious that I was the crush she was talking about. Everything she told me yesterday day about what happened is the same situation that happened to me.

"C-Chat?" I heard someone say. "Princess!" I hugged Marinette. Mari stood there not saying a word. I could tell she was uncomfortable. "Chat...what exactly d-do you want to talk about?" She asked.

Which was a good question? I want to talk about the kiss yesterday. I want to say I am confused on how I feel about her. I want to talk about us.

"The kiss yesterday. H-how come you kissed back?" I asked. "Besides my charming beauty of course," I smirked. I heard Marinette chuckle, "I honestly don't know. Y-you reminded me of my crush kind of. How caring you were and kind." She said I blushed. Thanks, Marinette now you're making a superhero blush like Ladybug does.

"How a-about you. Why did you kiss m-me?" Marinette asked. "Um, you also kind of reminded me of someone I k-know," I said. She stood there not saying a word.

"But that's not just why I kissed you!" I yelled realizing how bad the last thing I said sounded. "You're also very kind and funny," I muttered. I saw her blush, I smiled.

"Princess I think you should give us a chance."

Marinette's POV

I didn't know what to say. I've always cared for Chat but I never in a romantic way, until now anyway.

"Chat I...I think you're a good guy but I l-love someone else." I said. Even though I'm having this crush on Chat I still love Adrien. "It's not that I don't like you. I just love someone else more." Chat hugged me. I couldn't help but enjoy the hug.

He looked at me, "Princess I understand. I love someone else too, but I think you should give me a chance."  I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. His gorgeous green eyes. "I haven't been able to keep you off my mind all day," He kissed my hand. "Can I be your knight, princess?" He said.

You should give Chat a chance. Tikki was always good at giving advice. "Ok...y-yes," I said. Chat's eyes lit up "Really?!" I smiled and nodded my head. "But...I have some...rules." I muttered.

Adrien's POV

She said yes! Of course with girls though there's a catch. "If my crush...happens to you me. We can b-break up." Marinette muttered. He already does. "Of course princess." I smiled. 

"Quick question...can I do harmless flirts?" I asked. Marinette chuckled, "Of course kitty." 

Marinette was the best. She was honestly best from both worlds, I can enjoy her company as Adrien and enjoy her kisses as Chat. 

"Princess I think it's time for me to go but." I grabbed her by the waist. She blushed "H-at...I mean Ctth...ugh Ch-" I stopped her before she could continue embarrassing herself. I kissed her and she was still in shock. 

That went away quickly though. This kiss was better than the last one though. She kissed more passionately and yet soft. All my thoughts about her, loving her, went to this kiss. We came to a slow end.


(A/N) I think I've been spelling Adrien's name wrong the entire time. Sorry :/

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