Chapter Five

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C H A P T E R      F I V E


Marinette's POV 

"Marinette! Wake up you're late to school!" I heard Tikki yell. I groaned and quickly changed into my regular clothes. When I was more awake I started thinking about last night.

Chat came to my house. He asked me out. We kissed.

I grabbed a warmer jacket as it was winter. I started running to school. When I got there I slipped into the classroom. Nino had taken my sit again.

I sat in class and started day dreaming. Chat and Ladybug could date if I tell him who I really am. What are you even thinking Marinette?! You know you can't tell anybody your Ladybug. Not even your partner.

"Marinette!" Ms. Busier yelled. I look up at her with shock. "Finally, may you please read page 10." She directed. I nodded my head and started reading.

School was finally out. I was walking out when Alya grabbed my hand. "What are you doing?" I asked confused. She told me to shut up and follow her. Not really like I had a choice anyways.

She brought me into a bathroom stall. "What's up with you?" She asked me. "Me! You're the one who dragged me in here!" I said a little bit angrier then I meant it to be.

"Ever since you've ran out of the party. Which I understand why you did, but still it was rude. You've been out of it girl!" She said. I sighed, she was telling the truth. I haven't talked to many people since the party. I've been confused about my feelings towards Chat and Adrien.

"I'm sorry, I've been caught up with my own stuff. With Adrien and all I was just heartbroken, but I'm alright now." I smiled. She hugged me "Thank goodness, or I would have to kill Adrien." She chuckled. I laughed along with the joke, I wouldn't mind, that way I wouldn't have to be confused.

"Come on let's go before Nino starts getting jealous." She teased. 

"He better be jealous," I said giving her a slight push. "Ha! You wish!" She laughed.

We got out of the bathroom and headed outside where Nino and Adrien were waiting. "Hey, guys," Alya said. Nino and Adrien turned around looking at us. My eyes were focused on Adrien though, he smiled his sweet modeling smile.

"Hey Mari, Alya." Adrien greeted us. I said hi but Alya was too busy greeting Nino in a special way. "Maybe we should greet like that too." Adrien chuckled. I blushed so redly that it was beginnig to look like Nathanel's hair. "I umm ure swew I...aehy umm." I stuttered. 

"Oh! Umm I...I-it was a...a j-joke umm a-aorry..what? I mean s-s-sorry." Adrien blushed. I nodded my head yes when Alya burst out laughing. "I so ship you two." 

"Anyways, I was thinking about throwing a Christmas party. To you know have Adrien prove himself." Nino chuckled.  Adrien groaned, "I already said sorry a billion time's!" I giggled seeing how truly upset he was about what happened. He turned around at me and smiled.

"Well, you will be forgiven when you come," Alya said. "L-let the po-" I was saying when an akuma threw a car near the school. "I'm done with this, Cassé here to get fixed." A girl with short brown hair holding a bat said. 

I was about to run to transform when Adrien grabbed my wrist. 

(A/N) I'm sorry this is a short chapter. I just wanted to post something to not leave you guys without a chapter. Also, I made a new book called Miraculous One Shots go check it out if you want more Miraculous. 

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