Chapter Seven

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C H A P T E R    S E V E N


Marinette's POV

I got my bed ready so when I came back from patrol I could drop dead. Well, asleep, not actually dead, I hope.

"I hope this goes well." I sighed.
"It will." Tikki chirped. I put my pj's on and fell jump onto my bed. I looked at the time, 12:35.

"Tikki what if I...what if I fall in love with Chat?" I whispered. One thing that fears me most,  love. Sure I love my family and my friends but an actual boyfriend. A shiver went down my spine, boyfriend, a person I'm committed to. The person I lo- like?

"Everything will be ok Mari, just don't give up on the relationship." I nodded my head. I sighed and got up. I was feeling like creating, designing. I grabbed my sketchbook and got my pen.

I started designing a jacket for Chat Noir. Perhaps maybe it could be a gift for Chat one day. My head was pouring out the design, it was somehow in my mind how I wanted everything.

A leather jacket with cuffs. Simple but grand.

"Marinette you should get going!" I looked at the time, 1:04. Great, I'm four minutes late.

"Thanks, Tikki spots on!" I said. I jumped out the balcony. We didn't say where we would meet up but I already knew where he was the Eiffel Tower.

I saw a black outlined figure when I arrived on top of the Eiffel Tower.

"My lady."

Adrien's POV

I was sitting on the frigid metal. It was freezing outside and our suits definitely didn't have any warmers. That would be nice if they did.

I heard a loud clank noise. I smirked guessing it was Ladybug.

"My lady," I said trying not to sound like I was freezing, which I was.

I heard a small chuckle, "Hey kitty." Yup, it was my lady. Well, my second lady now I guess. 

She sat down next to me. There were this awkward silence and some sort of tension. "So why did you want to go on patrol today?" I said breaking the ice.

"Oh um I...I thought it w-would be nice to talk to you once in a while." She said. I smiled, she was adorable but...I only thought of Marinette. Though honestly, she reminded me of her.

"What do you want to talk about then?" I asked. She sat there saying nothing. For a minute there I was getting worried. "D-do you like anybody?" She said struggling to get the words out.

"Yeah...I have a...a girlfriend." I claimed. It was the first time I realized that I actually have a real girlfriend. This suddenly took me into shock for some reason.

"Tell me about her." She said. I chuckled, "Well she reminds me of you kind of. Her name is Marinette, and her eyes shine like the night sky along with her black hair. Also, her confidence and kindness are so...dazzling if I do say so myself. She's purrrfect."

I looked at Ladybug, her cheeks were a bright red. "Are you cold?" I asked. "What? Oh umm, y-yeah kind of." I smirked and brought her closer to me. I snuggled up close to her.

"Thanks." She whispered. The rest of the night was pretty quiet. In winter the view was better than before. The Eiffel Tower lit up marvelous with the company of the stars that shined their brightest.

I heard a roar. Or probably my stomach. I was starving. Ever since this morning, my dad made me be on this crazy juice diet. It's been a day but I was dying.

"Looks like the stray cat is hungry." Ladybug giggled. I laughed in agreement.

"I know this sandwich shop, do you want to grab a bite?" She said. "Oh yes please." I moaned. I would do anything for actual food right now.

"Ha well let's go kitty." She got up. We went to this street corner that was surprisingly still opened. To our luck, we didn't have to pay for the sandwiches.  Apparently, we saved the owners son once. Even though I doubt it was just once.

We sat down in front of a sandwich shop. I wasn't eating the sandwich I was practically devouring it.

"Chat are you homeless?" Ladybug blurted out taking a bite into her own sandwich. I laughed, "Oh no, I'm not homeless," I am actually the opposite of homeless. "I have a strict diet. It's terrible." I groaned.

"Ok because you swallowed your sandwich." She giggled. She handed me her sandwich, "I'm not that hungry, you can have it." She smiled. I smiled like a big old idiot and devoured the second sandwich.

She brushed her hand through my hair. "Oh, kitty." I wiped my face with a napkin and smiled. She chuckled and got up. "I should be heading home." She sighed. "You should go home too," she paused,"If you have one." She laughed.

I smirked, "see ya soon my lady." I bowed. "Bye kitty." She jumped off.

I continued sitting there. Ladybug and Marinette. Marinette and Ladybug. Both remind me of each other, both beautiful.

I got up. How about I surprise my princess.

Marinette's POV

I drop to my bed. I wasn't as tired as I expected but I was still sleepy. I closed my eyes when I heard a thump. I saw Tikki hide, and I was breathing heavily, hoping it wasn't anything bad.

"Looks like the princess is asleep." Good, it was just Chat. I saw a green light. Did Chat just de-transform? I felt as he got in bed with me. I was holding my breath now.

He pulled close and put his arms around my waist. I looked at his arms, yup he de-transformed. I didn't dare to move or breath. I closed my eyes shut making sure I wouldn't see Chat's identity.

Longer and longer the time passed I was getting more comfortable with cuddling with Chat. I heard a noise that sounded like a purr. I decided to ignore that. Soon I was drifting off into dream land.

(A/N) Sorry I haven't posted! I've been busy playing Pokemon Go XD Kidding but something happened and yeah. Also, I was supposed to post this like two days ago or three but technical difficulties. I was working on it last night but I fell asleep :p. Again sorry!

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