Chapter Seventeen

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C H A P T E R    S E V E N T E E N


Adrien's POV

"Gah, I am so confused yet...I am lost!" I yelled out.

"Kid calm down you aren't even making sense anymore," Plagg muttered. "I can't Plagg! The love of my life could be Ladybug!"

"Well any girl can have a white rose too, but...umm just give me Camembert!" At that moment I knew, Plagg know's something. 

"Plagg, what do you know," I said.

Plagg flew close to my face, "I know camembert." He whispered. I rolled my eyes and headed off to take a shower.

Marinette's POV

"Hmm should of I gave him the rose, Tikki," I questioned. He just was acting so sad, and I just did the first thing that popped into my head.

"You did the right thing, Mari!" Tikki exclaimed." 

"I guess," I sighed.

{Magical Time Skip Cuz Writers Block}

I sat there seeing if Chat was going to come today, after all, it is Valentine's day. 

What if he was wit-

No. I have to learn to trust him.

 I sighed finally deciding to go to bed.  

"He probably is busy Mari." Tikki tried comforting me. "I guess."

I changed my clothes into a black hoodie that had cat ears (as in it was a cold night) then some joggers, cause why not? I had some bright green ankle high socks. I let my hair down and turned to my bed.

"Hello, purrincess," I smiled at the sight of him. 

"H-hey kitty." He walked up to me. "Nice socks." I looked down at my socks and blushed. I hit him softly. He chuckled picking me up bridal style. 

"Did you actually think I wasn't going to take you somewhere." He smiled. I was left speechless, damn this cat. 

He put me down, "Put some shoes on, I'm going to take you somewhere," He said. I nodded my head grabbing a pair of black converse. I quickly put them on and went up to him.

"You ready?" I put my hand in my hoodie's pocket checking if Tikki was in there, yup she was. 


He dragged me to my balcony, wrapping his hand around my waist when we got out there. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as he took off with me. 

Adrien's POV    

I landed down on top of the Eiffel Tower. I was a little bit late trying to prepare something for Mari. 

"Chat I-It's beautiful," Marinette said in awe. I had some late night snacks out with a candle lighting the mood. Was it kind of cheesy? Yeah, I'll admit it, but I did it with all my love.

We sat down and began eating all the food we could stuff down are face.

I wasn't thinking of is she is Ladybug or her flaws. I was just talking, laughing, being myself around her. With all the confidence I had.

I am glad she took my heart.

Because even though I see imperfections with her, I still love her, with all my passion.

Then her laugh is like a song, the way she smiles is better than any art.

I smiled at how passionately she was talking about her designs.

"I have so many ideas wandering in my mind it's crazy!" She exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air.

"Yeah well I'm crazy for you, my lady." Reality hit, I need to know if she's Ladybug.

"Oh Chat you dumb flirt." She smiled.

She didn't react differently. Hmm, odd.

"So your first kiss was with me, wasn't it? You know during Dark Cupid." If she says yes, she's Ladybug.

"Um y-ye- wait um D-Dark Cupid?" She was about to say yes! Or was it just because I was her first kiss. 

"Actually, it's getting late we should get g-going." She blurted standing up. I frowned, "Yeah your right." 

I picked her up and took her to her balcony.

Marinette's POV

"Bye princess."He kissed my hand and left. 

I walked into my room. Still left in shock on what happened earlier.

Does he know?

(A/N) Ugh, i don't like this chapter but I needed a filler type part. Anyways, first things first, the ML Watty awards. I originally wasn't going to enter until a little kitty told me I would do good so here I am. So we can only enter one book so I am here to ask which, Cat Fight, or this one When We Kiss. Please comment down below I want your guy's opinion on this. Next thing I am going on a trip tomorrow and I won't be coming back until Wednesday I think. So if I don't update there's why. See ya kitties!

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