Chapter Fourteen

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C H A P T E R    F O U R T E E N


Marinette's POV

I already had my pj's on ready to go to sleep when I saw a green light. I didn't move a muscle. I wasn't ready to deal with Chat.

It's only been a day.

I sighed and reluctantly turned around. I saw nothing but darkness.

"That's weird," I muttered. Suddenly a hand covered my eyes. I paralyzed trying my best to not show any fear.

Who ever was behind me grabbed one of my hands and placed something in it. Whatever it was it had a smooth texture and cold as ice.

"Don't look behind you princess." I let out my breath I didn't know I was holding. Chat took his hand off my eyes. I looked at what I was holding.

A ring.

Not any ring, his miraculous. I gasped knowing he wasn't transformed.

"Y-your m-miraculous." I finally let out.

"Yeah." He said.

I didn't know what to do.

"Chat...I do-"

Before I could see anything I felt a pair of lips on mine.

Adrien's POV

Her lips tasted sweet as candy. I couldn't help it I'm addicted to her taste. The way she smiles can light a room up. Hey, beautiful blue orbs sparkling like stars.

I pulled away. My forehead on her's, I smiled.

I opened my eyes to see her's was closed.

"Marinette, I love you. I love you so much that words can't describe it."

She turned away from me. I sighed, "Mari I'll give up being Chat for you."

A small sob escaped her lips. I pulled her into a hug. She tried to push me away but I didn't let her.

"Chat...I don't deserve to be with you...y-your kind and funny and I'm..." Tears rolling down her cheeks.

As each tear fell I felt my heart break. I couldn't watch her as she cried.

"You're amazing. I look at you and wonder how you do it. Your beautiful and kind, confident, and so much more Mari." I whispered in her ear.


She turned around and kissed me. She was fierce and passionate. Yet her lips tasted sweet.

She wrapped her legs around my waist. I held her up, "I love you." She pulled away.

I kissed her again still feeling the smile on my lips. She pulled the collar of my shirt bringing me more into the kiss, I didn't even think that could happen.

I was on a sugar high.

Every moment our lips touched was another master piece. Something cold slid into my finger. 

" don't have to give up being Chat," Marinette said leaning her head on mine.

"Plagg claws out," I whispered in response. The green magic covered my body. I opened my eyes to see Marinette's.

"I didn't see who you were," Marinette said.

"Why?" I questioned.

She was quiet for a moment, "Because I don't need to know who you are to love you." She smiled.

I kissed her once again.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Marinette's POV

My mind kept repeating the same words over and over.

"I love you."

I smiled as I felt Chat pick me up bridal style. I giggled when he plopped me onto my bed.

"Goodnight my princess." He kissed my forehead. He started walking away when something inside me made me grabbed his hand.

He turned around shock in his green eyes. With my strength as Ladybug, I pulled him in bed with me.

"Don't leave," I whispered. I saw him smile when he pulled me close to him. His hand on my waist and face on the curve of my neck.

"I'll never leave you."

A green light came out again. I slowly closed my eyes.

"Chat!" I yelled as he got shot with an arrow. I ran to him but he collapsed on the ground. "M-my lady." He smiled.


"I love you." He said with his final breaths. "No...Chat! Chat you can't!" My voice with pure fear. He lost the color in his eyes.

I transformed back to Marinette. A crowd of people around me whispering.

"No...please Chat...wake up." I cried out. A green light uncovered him showing who he was.


"Adrien up!" I heard Tikki finished her sentence. Next, to her, I saw a black creature next to her.

(A/N) DONE! Yeah, they're back together... or are they? Also don't you think the story is showing Mari's fears ;) See ya kitties!

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