Chapter Six

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C H A P T E R     S I X


Adrien's POV 

I looked at Marinette's eyes. The shock was in her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes. What am I doing? I let go of her wrist and ran. I hid by the school stairs. Why was I being so protective of Marinette all of a sudden? Sure I would make sure she was safe before when she was in the action of an akuma, but never grab her just by seeing one.

"Aye lover boy there's an akuma, remember," Plagg said.

I was back to reality. I looked to my left to see Ladybug fighting. "Plagg claws out!" I yelled.

I ran to help my lady. She was knocked down purrfectly purring her right beside me. I helped her up, "Well hello my lady." I smiled. She stared straight into my eyes. Her eye's, everything about them seems so familiar. A blast separated us.

Marinette's POV

I landed on my bottom again. I need to get in focus. I wasn't focused ever since Adrien grabbed my wrist, but it wasn't time to think of that.

This was harder than I thought. Through out the fight, I would glance at Chat. By glance, I meant stare and smile. I don't why but everything became harder with fighting when he was around. I couldn't help it, the way he would smile and looks is amazing.

I went under Cassé and tied her with my yo-yo. I threw a picture of a guy over to Chat. "Show it to her!" I yelled. Chat showed her the picture, she stared into with heartbreak. "G-get the aukma Chat," I said in grief for the girl. He carefully got the aukma (a lighting bolt necklace) and stepped on it.

The aukma flew out. "No more evil doing for you little aukma," I yelled. I purified it then a white butterfly flew out. "Bye bye little butterfly." I smiled. The woman dropped to her knees. Instead of celebrating Chat and I we saw her get up an leave.

"You know Chat...Hawkmoth is a monster for transforming a heartbroken girl to his new villain." I sighed. He put his arm around me and nodded his head yes. I blushed, "S-so see you tonight." I said and regretting it the second after. Come on Mari get back on your game.

"I umm PATROL! Patrol le-lets go on patrol tonight." I stuttered trying to cover up my mistake. "Heh...yeah, how does one in the morning sound." He chuckled. I smiled like an idiot, I heard my beeping that I was going to transform back. "Ug uot! I ean ugh mean. UGH, You know what I mean!" I ran out.

Right before I transformed back I landed on my balcony. I collapsed on my bed "Tikki!" I groaned. Tikki sat on my head. "It's all right Marinette soon enough everything will be better." She said. I screamed into my pillow when I heard something. Tikki hid while I still had my face dug in my pillow.

"Something wrong princess?" Chat chuckled. I knew it was Chat there is no one else who calls me princess or enters my house without my mom warning me about. I sat up and one thing that stood out was his ring, he was about to transform back. "Your ring." I blurted out.

He gave me a peck on the lips but yet with ever so passionate. I blushed, "Just wanted to do that real quick princess." He smiled and left. I stood there paralyzed.

"Mari?" Tikki said concerned.

I smiled, "Damn that boy."

(A/N) I'm sorry if this sucked it's like two in the morning when I'm writing this. I couldn't sleep so I decided to write...hope you still enjoyed it :/

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