Chapter 5

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Kai and I have become great friends. Every day he would come to study at the apartment after training and giving me a ride to work after. He'd get a table in the corner and study until my shift is over. Our relationship still is flirty but before it gets out of hand I always stop him.

Kai has convinced me to spend the Christmas holidays with him and his family, saying that my parents have my brothers and they have each other whereby it will just be him and his parents. I say yes mostly because I don't want to part from him as opposed to his reasoning.

We drive to my house first so that I can give my brothers and parents their gifts and we spend the afternoon with them. Kai fits in perfectly with my brothers until Asher hands him a box of condoms.

"I'm not ready to be an uncle," Is all he says.

All eyes are on Kai as he stutters, "it's... it's... not like that."

"It's ok hunny, just be safe," my mom interjects and we all burst into laughter at the look on his face.

"C'mon, it's time to go," I say to Kai and stand up.

"Yeah, I think now is a good time."

We get to his house and him mom runs down their front steps to pull me into her arms.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you, Kai is always so secretive about everything and never brings any girls home."

"This is why mom, you're smothering her." Kai tries gently to get his mother to release me.

"It's ok," I mumble swatting his hands away. I hug her back laughing.

"We'll get along beautifully," she says once releasing me and giving her son a hug.

We walk up the steps and Kai's dad hugs us both as well. His mom has prepared a wonderful dinner and we all sit down to eat, Kai and I next to each other cracking jokes and having fun.

"How long have the two of you been together?" his mom asks.

"Oh we're not together." I respond and I see the flash of disappointment across her face. "We're just really great friends, we've been for a few months now."

"What did you do that makes this lovely young lady not want to be with you?" his mom questions.

"She's lesbian," he replies curtly.

I have to lift my jaw off the floor before replying.

"I'm not. He's been with every girl on campus, I'm not..." before I can finish his hand is over my mouth.

I do what I would do to my brothers and stick my tongue out to lick his hand.

"You licked me?" his eyes are huge and he's totally surprised.

"Like I was saying, he's way too..." he tries to cover my mouth again but this time we both fall off our chairs and I land on him laughing.

"Serves you right." I say to him.

His parents are watching us smiling and we continue with a different topic of discussion.


I slip into a pair of black skinny jeans, converse high tops and a band tee. As per Shay, after the day I've had we apparently need to go out for drinks. The fact that it's a Sunday night doesn't matter. I grab my black biker jacket from my closet and I'm ready.

We get to the bar and I'm surprised by the amount of people, although it's not too full. I make my way to the bar and get Shay and I drinks. I make my way back to Shay and she's already chatting up some guys. These aren't her normal type though. They're kind of...nerdy. From what I catch the conversation is about either Star Wars, Star Trek or constellations. It had something to do with stars. One of the guys are quite cute with messy brown hair, light brown eyes with specks of green in them and an amazing smile. He's quite tall and I like that. He catches me staring and doesn't take his eyes off me while still maintaining his conversation. If I wasn't still trying to get over Kai, I would definitely be so into him.

His eyes dart to behind me and his sharp intake of breathe has me turning my head. Standing at the bar are Kai and Athena. I cock an eyebrow at nerdy guy and he comes closer to me.

"I dated her," he says.

"Athena?" the disbelief in my voice is obvious.


"Well I dated him." This time it's his turn to cock an eyebrow at me and before he can ask I reply, "yep."

We look at each other and clink our glasses together both leaning on the table staring at the couple.

My stomach clenches at the thought of being in his arms just last night and this morning.

"They're perfect together aren't they?" I say to him.

"I'm James."

"Noah." I extend my hand to him. "Let's go dance James."

I drag him to the dance floor not listening to his mutterings about not being able to. I start jumping and singing along to the Paramore song playing and soon James can't resist but to join in. His half jumps has me holding my stomach from laughter. I turn to look into smouldering blue eyes and this time James has to lead me off the dance floor as I can't tear my gaze from Kai's. I have to remind myself that even though we spent the night together, he ended up going back to the beautiful blonde. Why couldn't she be a bitch, then at least I could justifiably hate her.

"I feel like the Rains of Castamere should be playing," I mumble to myself while my heart is being ripped out watching Kai and Athena together.

"You watch Game of Thrones?" James asks me in astonishment. I nod my head not revealing how big of a fan I actually am. "You don't look like someone who does."

"Don't be prejudiced, we all have a little wildling in us." I say to him causing him to burst loudly into laughter.

Kai and Athena's heads snap to our direction and once again I'm caught in that blue gaze.

"C'mon," I say to James, "my watch has ended."

He laughs once more and we make our way out of the bar. I leave Shay with James's friends and bid goodnight to James as I make my way to our apartment.

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