Chapter 1

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I'm in the corner, watching him kiss her and it's like a ton of bricks just landed on my chest. I knew he'd move on eventually, I just didn't expect to see it. The club is dark and filled with smoke and I'm quite certain he hasn't seen me. With a heavy heart I make my way back to my friends, "I'm getting a drink, anyone want anything?"

"No thanks Noah, but we did get shots so get your ass back here fast," Shay, my best friend and roommate shouts above the music. What it took her to get me out tonight is just short of a miracle. She's been the only one to fully see what the breakup has done to me and been at my side these past two months.

"Two tequila's and a rum and coke," I shout to the barman and place my money on the bar. Screw this, I'm done moping. I down the shots and bring the tall glass of rum to my lips. Swallowing the cold yet burning liquid gives me some form of relief from the dull ache that's been my constant companion. My back stiffens as a hand brushes my lower back and moves across to my waist. I know that touch. I was tuned into that touch for a year of my life before I gave it up and some nights still find myself yearning for it.

"Kai," I manage to breathe out.

"How did you know?"

"How could I not?"

His voice washes over me and some of those butterflies lying dead in the pit of my stomach manage to flutter their wings.

He presses his lips to my cheek and my eyes close involuntarily. He covers my hand that's resting on the bar with his.

"That's quite a bit of alcohol you've just downed. Who are you here with?"

As much as I want to ask him about the girl I've just seen him with I can do nothing but raise my eyebrow at him. Why would he even care right. Before he can get another word out a pair of arms encircle his neck from behind.

"Hey babe, I've been looking for you," He doesn't answer and keeps his eyes trained on mine and doesn't remove his hand.

The most beautiful girl I have ever seen steps out from behind him and I much as I hate it, I can feel my eyes widening as I stare at her in not only awe, but envy.

"Hi, I'm Athena." Oh my God. Could she be any more perfect. She stretches her hand out to me and I'm forced to remove my hand from under Kai's. A movement I see she doesn't miss.

"Noah," I say to her, shaking her hand and forcing a smile onto my face.

This time her eyes widen and she looks up to Kai who still hasn't taken his eyes off me.

"I've actually heard a lot about you," she has a friendly smile and as much as I want to hate her, I can't. She actually seems just as nice as she is beautiful.

When I think this moment can't get any worse, Shay stumbles into us laughing. Her smile stiffens once she sees who I'm speaking to.

"If it isn't Kai McKenna," she says to him, the loathing clear in her voice taking in the blonde at his side before an evil smirk crosses her face. Oh God.

"You guys should totally join us. It would be great getting to know Kai's new girlfriend. I mean, we were great friends not too long ago." She finishes, giving him no room to back out. Before I can open my mouth to decline on his part, that deep, smooth voices washes over me again sending a chill up my spine.

"I think that's a great idea."

"Cool let me grab some more shots and we can go." Shay proceeds to order three more trays of shots and pretends as if nothing just happened.

"What are you doing?" I angry whisper. She sighs and turns to me.

"If this is what you need to move on from him, then this is what I'll do. I'm being cruel to be kind No. I love you and I can't stand seeing you cry yourself to sleep night after night and I know you still do."

I can't deny it and slump my shoulders in defeat. Shay receives her trays and I take one from her. We turn and Shay nods to Kai to follow us. Even in heels he's at least a head taller than me. His hand once again rests at the base of my spine kicking even more butterflies into gear.

All eyes widen once we reach our table and I see all my friends react differently, one even sputters. Shay, the sly fox slides into the booth first leaving me to follow with Kai then being seated next to me. As Kai greets everyone, he introduces Athena as well. I honestly can't deal. I take the tray I had just placed on the table and down five shots consecutively. My friends hold their tongues, which I'm thankful for. The tension at our booth is thick and only eases up once a random guy comes to chat with the girls and everyone joins in.

"When did you start drinking this much?" that voice whispers into my ear causing my breath to hitch.

"Just now."

"You should take it easy."

"You don't get a say in how much I drink." It must be the alcohol.

I down the last five shots left in the tray and the burn causes my eyes to tear up a bit. I'm proud of myself as I manage not to sputter.

The shots go straight to my head and sure as hell my world starts to spin a little.

"I'm going to dance." I announce to the table and Kai and Athena stand to let me pass.

Only once I'm on the dance floor do I release the breath I'd been holding but it's all for nothing once I turn and find myself face to face with Kai.

"What are you doing Ark?" Kai calls me by the nickname he uses to get a reaction from me.

"Don't call me that."

"Then tell me what's going on?" he pleads, taking my arms and looping them around his neck. My traitorous body needs more and I find myself pressing into him. He sucks in a breath. The alcohol really is doing a number on me.

"I miss you so much." I say, not being able to stop myself. Remind me never to drink again. Dutch courage and Kai's hands running down the side of my body spur me on and I find I can't stop.

"I miss your mouth kissing every... single... part...of me..." I breathe in to his ear, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip at the memory. His blue eyes looking down at me darken. "I miss falling asleep on your chest, you heart beat in unison with mine..." I run my hand down his chest letting my hand rest there.

I stand on my tip toes and kiss his neck. "I miss my lips on your body... every inch of your body." I hear his groan and I smile. I arch into him and rub against his groin.

"You have no idea how much I miss this."

His hands on my hips still my movement and he looks through my eyes and into my soul.

"You walked out of My life No." His words are like ice water flowing through my veins.

"You let me."

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