Author's note

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I just want to say to any and all duelist that having you read this honours me more then a good duel with Yami-Yugi would.
Although I am neither deaf nor mute, I have many friends who are.
I want to be an interpreter, so that is what Iris became.
I want to accomplish something more with this book then just giving you a yu-gi-oh story.
I want to share how hard it is for the deaf and mute to be among those who don't sign.
I can only hope that after reading this you will want to learn sign language.
I am fluent, just like the rest of my family, so if you want advice on where to start, or some great placed to meet the deaf and experience sign, please, contact me. I'll guide you through your first steps and give you advice, just like Yami does for Yugi.
I'll try to show off all the cool things you can do with sign in this book but there is always more to learn.
Any way, if you have any ideas for Iris Moto and the Millennium Bracelet, feel free to tell me.
You probably want that deaf joke I promised.
Here it is.
A deaf man and his deaf wife are in the library. The wife is very angry so the man signs: stop yelling. I'm not blind.
It's better in sign.
Trust me.
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