Chapter four. Into the Hornets Nest

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Chapter 4. Into The Hornet's Nest

I looked up at the sky as what seemed to be hundreds of seagulls descended from the heavens upon the ship, more and more joining as we neared the island.

“Finding Grandpa won't be easy.” I said as we pulled into the harbor. “Duelist Kingdom is huge.” I put my hair back in its braid and finished tying my hiking boots, and strapping my knife and deck back on my belt. “Oh well, we have to start somewhere.”

The ship dropped anchor and we began to disembark. On the shore more secret service wannabes waited.

“Attention Duelists!” A man yelled. “Please disembark in an orderly fashion.”

Tristan whispered something to Tea.

“We’re in the middle of nowhere, Lamebrain! What do you want to do? Swim back?!”

As we walked down the ramp I was half convinced that Tristan had replaced his spine with a broomstick.

“Hey you.” A secret service guy said.

Tristan froze.

I readied myself to fight.

“Relax. You’re our guest here.”

Everyone let out a breath of relief.

Tristan thanked the man and ran.

I pulled a plastic bag out of my backpack and gave it to him to help stop his hyperventilating. “I think I just had a heart attack.” he said.

“Way to play it cool, Tristan. That wasn’t suspicious at all.” Tea scolded.

Joey punched the air. “All right, everybody made it here al-choo!”

He sneezed all over Tea’s short skirt and blouse. Not exactly what I would wear to a remote island full of boys without police.

Joey groaned.

You never would have caught that cold if not for Weevil. Yugi said.

“Or if we hadn’t been so naive.” I said as I dug some flu pills from my bag.

“What is in there?” Joey asked as he downed the small red pills.

“Stuff I thought we might need.” I said.

Joey looked like he wanted to know more but we were distracted by the bug brawler.

“There he is.” I said.

“Looks like he’s already looking to start some trouble.” Tristan said.

“I’d love to knock that smirk right off his face.” Joey said. “Not that you didn’t already do a number to him, Iris.”

I smiled, looking at him Weevil’s left eye was nearly swollen shut. “I was aiming at the nose.”

I looked at Yugi who looked as if he was split into two people, one wanting to give Weevil a piece of him mind, the other, worried for our grandfather.

I touched him on the shoulder gently. “Don’t worry, Yugi. You’ll beat him at his own game and then I’ll beat the living crap out of him.”

He nodded, reverting back into my brother.

It had seemed lately, that the other personality was coming out more and more when Yugi was still little Yugi.

“Attention Duelists!” A man yelled.

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