Assassin's Bride Chp5

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Hello there readers and dreamers, I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for your votes and awesome comments. Pic of Cloud on the side.


~♥Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.

C. S. Lewis~♥


Alexander explained the new plan for our ambush. I had just returned home from Siberia, the last mission went well but not good enough for my expectations, they escaped yet again but damage was done and a trail of blood was left behind.

Tybalt was the only one who had the knowledge of my arrival; I shut the outside world for a while and closed myself in the room. There were some matters that needed to be handle in severe precaution. Lost in the screen that showed some of the fresh plan Alexander had parched. While he explained what we are meant to do, through the Bluetooth device. So lost in this plan I did not pay heed to what was happened around me, this was paramount.

I leaned back on the bed, pulled a pack of cigarette out of my pocket, exhaled loudly, tapped a cigarette out of the pack and lit it. Something in this plan did not seem right, as I was about to interrogate Alexander about it, immediately there was a sound from a distance and my senses went alert.

"Cloud, are you okay my man?" Alexander's voice sounded over the line.

"Alex, I will call you later," I told him, shut the laptop lid and squashed the cigarette filter in the ash tray.

"Something wrong?" he demanded.

"That's what I am going to find out," with that I cut the line and stood up, listened to it cautiously.

This is wrong; I cannot hear those sounds, unless I wanted to use my curse. How is it even possible to work without my tricks?

I tossed the phone on the bed  grabbed my jacket and got out. Then what Tybalt had informed me rang in my brain. Mother had guests, they were here today, something or someone among them is the answer of this. I walked down the stairs and wore my jacket. Then my ears picked up Alina's voice, which came from the gardens, although they were far away but with all the training I have been through all these arduous year, it was easy to pick up their voices.

I listened closely to the distance thumping. It was then I realized the sound came from there as well. When I was close enough to see them, I halted and observed. My sister-in-laws chatted animatedly to a woman I could not see. Her back was to me and I knew I had to see her face. I had to know who this person with the steady heartbeats was, so I waited, observed as the owner of the heartbeats stared at grandfather's painting and that was when the puzzle pieces came together, and I stepped forward.

The thing that intrigued me was the speed of her heart beats when the girl twirled around to look at the intruder who disturbed her. I did not comprehend what was the reason behind this, and that infuriated me. I had to find out who she really was so I evaporated when she turned to leave for the garden, only to materialize where Tybalt and Rory sat. They were shocked to see me.

 "Cloud," Rory stood up, frowning. "When did you get here?"

"He just got here," Tybalt answered for me.

"What is the matter Cloud?" Rory inquired when I did not make an effort to explain my arrival.

"Who are they?" was all I questioned and Tybalt stepped in.

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