Assassin's Bride Chp29

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Hey there! Hope everyone is fine, thank you so much for all the votes. This story was in top ten for more than two weeks which was awesome. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, cuz I worked my ass off on this one.

PS: From now on I will write this story in third point of view.


"Tears are words that need to be written."  

Cloud rose from the couch and strode forth towards the bed the moment Faith whimpered. He stood there and peered down at her with distraught eyes. His bloody and grimy fist clenched when a tear trickled down her closed eyes. It had been more than eight hours since their encounter with Maynor, the odious bastard. He grit his teeth at the memories that gushed like a feral stream in his brain.

Maynor had mocked him when Faith lost consciousness. The swine had declared that he had given Faith a distressing experience. That he would bestow mercy and let them live for it was not pleasurable to play with Cloud when he was drenched in blood. With those exasperating words  Maynor and his assassins had dissolved in the woods to allow Cloud take his woman to the cottage and drive back home.

Cloud denied to aid the wounds further once Wade wrapped gauze roll on his chest. All he desired was for Faith to gain consciousness. It soaked his heart with dread every time she whimpered as though in a mental war. Jayden brothers were gathered around his room apart from lord Jayden himself, he was still unaware of his nephew's nefarious doings.

"Do not cry, Faith." Cloud whispered in a strained voices, eyes on his pallid fiancé. He lifted his hand and caressed her cold cheek with the back of his hand, aware of Wade's eyes that did not abandon him for a fraction of a second.

"How dare him!" Rory growled furiously from where he stood near one of the windows.

"Calm down, brother. Rage will not help us in a situation such as this one." Tybalt shot Rory a look, a look that commanded him to not douse fuel in the raging flames for Cloud's mortality hung from a thin thread.

Wade did not remove his eyes from Cloud, he was well aware that if Cloud dropped the cloak of humanity, holocaust will occur and by God no man on earth will be able to stop him until he is contented with river of blood around him.

Rory opened his mouth to utter something else but halted when lord Jayden stepped in, he took in the sight before him. "Leave." was all they needed.

The room was vacated in a blink of an eye but Rosaline remained seated her anguished eyes on Faith. Lord Jayden ambled up to stand on the other side of the bed, he looked at Faith and frowned when Eragon's face displayed in his mind.

"You never mentioned that your nephew has brown eyes." Cloud spoke in a stony tone, a tone that resembled death.

"I must have forgotten to mention it." Jayden replied, tranquil .

Silence opened its door for them as if it invited the Wolfic family to a cremation. Jayden looked at his son and exhaled. "I knew you had your motive behind it. I knew you took Faith to that cottage only to lure Maynor out." Cloud turned his head right to meet his father's gaze.

"It was just an idea. If I were certain this would make him crawl out of his cave, do you believe father that I would go there in such a state and unarmed?" Cloud pursed his lips.

Jayden sighed again. "Let me handle this, son."

Cloud knit his brows, "You had your war with your brother, this is my war and I fight my own battles." he retorted.

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