Assassin's Bride Chp12

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Check the vid on the side, I made a slide-show for Cloud and Faith.


*´¯'* Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.*´¯'*



I stirred in my slumber and woke up but did not open my eyes and lay prostrate. The ache in my head decreased to a level that it was a silent murmur. My body was no longer that exhausted. I buried the side of my face in the pillow to shrug off what happened in the morning.

It baffled me and I could not comprehend as to how I could be so naive and fearful from a dream, a dream about creatures that did not exist! How can I be so foolish? I am the one who forewarned people about them, the courage that I exhibited in the blog, crashed down in a bat of an eye.

Mom loathed the blog, she struggled to persuade my head, but I was mulish, my silly irrational temperament did not surrender to her, and here I am striving to abandon my nightmare, a nightmare that spread in my body like enmeshed veins.

Blue eyes appeared in my dark world, and I bit my lip. Cloud, the inexplicable man was in my mind all day yesterday, to think of him as an assassin was unhinged. Then again why did I see him in that deadly form? I did not know. His eyes didn’t have any malevolent glint when I gazed in them, in fact they were serene...alluring.

The door of my room opened and I pretended to be fast asleep. Mom plodded to the bed, "Faith," she called very tenderly, and I knew she was worried if she woke me at once, my fragile form will shatter. 

"Faith, honey it’s six PM you need to wake up now," came her whisper. I twitched my fingers a little, eyes shut lightly. I knew that mom knew that I was bluffing. 

The bed dipped slightly and moments later a feather-like touch pushed the covers. "Faith," silence followed like an endless Ocean wave, right when I anticipated for mom to give up she uttered something. "Cloud is here to meet you," my eyes opened at once and I sat bolt straight.

"What?" I croaked and winced at my rasped voice. 

"Sweetie, he came to meet you," mom repeated, like I did not hear it the first time. But she was mistaken, I heard her loud and clear.

"I can't," my voice was nearly inaudible, and I frowned when an echoing trepidation edged in.

"Faith," she rubbed her hand on my bare arm. "I understand you are not well, but it’s rude to not meet him, child, when he especially came to see you," at her words my heart fluttered, spread its wings like a newborn butterfly.

"Okay, give me fifteen minutes. I will be there," I mumbled, staring at my entwined fingers in confusion.

Could it be I was agitated from him? Was the dream the reason behind my hesitation? Cloud did not commit a crime that I dreaded him. He was merely here to pay a visit, nothing more. 

Minutes elapsed, I got ready in the dark purple summer dress mom had left on the bed for me. I was ravenous, moving my body drained the last bit of energy and made me drowsy again. Nevertheless, I got out of my room, stood in front of the mirror that faced my door in the small hallway.

My reflection looked hideous; the girl who gawked back at me with bloodshot eyes had bags under her cerulean eyes. Her thin skin was immensely pale, to make it even more unfortunate the dress brought out her eyes! Noises from the living room reached my delicate ears, which ended up in my heart thrashing against my bust like a monster greedy to escape.

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