Assassin's Bride Chp28

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I know this chapter has been updated extremely late, but guys I have been so busy and this particular chapter was really hard to write. It needed to be fixed with great caution. I do apologize for grammar and spelling mistakes.


~*~*We cannot banish dangers, but we can banish fears. We must not demean life by standing in awe of death~*~*

Reassurance gushed forth Faith's form, it tingled her sinless heart, advanced to her fingertips and tied a knot in her stomach when she heard the splashing sound. Instantly, she lifted her head to see Cloud but to her utter astonishment it was not Cloud, nor was it Alexander it was someone she had not expected, it was...


Faith gaped at him for a while, uncertain how to react. Faith had not seen him over two weeks, she took note of how very knackered he appeared, there were vile dark circles coated around his eyes, the azure eyes that stared at her with a look she could not elucidate. He stopped and stood in the creek mere two feet away from her.

"Damon," Faith sighed, relived and muddled at the same time. "W-What are you doing here?" she ascended to her feet, conscious how the sedate, chilly water soaked her jeans.

When he did not make an attempt to verbalize words, she carried on; "We have to get away from here, its hazardous here." she apprised, distraught. How on earth did he get here? How did he find her? Did Cloud call him?

The corner of his mouth twisted and a murderous countenance took over his eyes. "Damon, what are you doing? We have to go and fetch some help." Faith rasped and endeavoured to clutch his hand and scram.

"Faith," Damon spoke at last, his voice glacial which caused electrical currents travel down her spine. On instinct she took a step back, petrified of the brutish look that blazed in his orbs. Damon stepped forward, towards her and here her heart twirled inside her chest. "Damn it Faith... so fucking naive!" he chortled.

"What?" the ingenuous woman gasped. This was not the man she knew, something was wrong.

Damon disregarded her query and ambled forward like a fiend awakened from a deadly slumber. Faith desired to flee but her feet remained rooted to the ground, she could not move. Her best friend halted an inch away from her, he raised his hand to push few strands of her hair behind her ear. Instantaneously, like he possessed unearthly speed, his hand encased around her delicate throat and blocked the air.

The girl panicked and reached up to shove his hands away, water rushed in her eyes when her attempts failed. Why on earth would he do this? Why is my best friend trying to kill me? Her lungs burned and commenced to dry, body began to shudder. She tussled but the friend laughed as if he found merriment in this peculiar situation.

In a trice Damon's hand left her neck like it was never there. She watched with wide eyes as his body flew and fell ruthlessly in the water. Faith collapsed on the ground unable to breathe, when a shadow materialized in front of her, she looked up to see Cloud. His clothes were torn, blood dripped from his hands, eyes fixed on Damon, who stared back with a depraved smile plastered on his lips.

"I should have known," Cloud growled. The tears that stung her eyes but denied to decamp earlier, streamed down her scarlet cheeks at the sound of his voice, it terrified Faith more than Damon.

"Cloud Wolfic Jayden," Damon hissed with a taut expression and climbed to his feet.

Promptly, Faith thrust her hands in the mud and stood up, took a step closer to the men who were dearest to her. The men who ushered contentment in her life now glowered at each other with inexpressible abhorrence, which caused her brain to liquefy, as if in the midst of a lethal volcano. She stopped behind Cloud and got hold of his shirt. Instantly, Cloud's hand reached and pushed her tiny form behind him in order to shield her with his body completely.

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