Assassin's Bride Chp10

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Warning: This chapter contains violence and I do not write satan's "S" capital.

Check out the song on the side, I love it!


°•° Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back. •°•°

Pitch darkness swathe around Cloud in a form of a murderous serpent, slithering on his body, hissing violently, forewarning him about the sulking peril. He had gone under a captivate spell, gravity pulling him with such force Cloud felt the world around him float as the girl in front breathed his name.  

It was beyond the bonds of possibility for Faith to recognize him. He stood there staring at the girl his eyes lacking any sign that would give him away. The man watched as the girl searched his face, his dead eyes, for any evidence that would support her doubts, but he showed...none.

Fear clawed the eyes of the victim as she realized this man, hidden behind a black mask is not Cloud but an assassin. An assassin that did not exist in her small world, but in mythical books to entertain people. Cloud saw it written all over her face, she was willing to give in to her dread so he began, "I want you to come with me," receiving no response he carried on, "I will not hurt you," the muffled voice behind the mask promised or so tried.

The assassin, believed to be satan himself, wrapped a warm and strong hand around her. He watched as the girl gasped, clenched her hands around his middle. The shaking fingers entwined around him could be felt through the fabric of his costume. Her rapid breathing quickened as seconds passed.

Choosing that moment one of the men of darkness flung iron spikes towards them. Cloud could not see them, but the spinning of iron in dead silence reached his ears. It would have been natural for Cloud to evade the spikes; with Faith in his arms it was impossible! At the last moment, when he could literally feel the weapons tearing the fragile air, he let go of the girl, unsheathe his Katana, twisted around, shielded Faith with such remarkable speed it was magical.

Clanging of iron ignited sparks which illuminated the night for just a while. The iron spikes fell on Cloud's feet, defeated. That was the unuttered signal of war and men of darkness stepped forth. Cloud growled, grabbed the girl by her elbow and tugged Faith forward. He knew Alexander's shadow lingered close, supporting his friend.

Few steps away from the house door, away from freedom, Cloud turned to the horrified girl, "Stand here, close your eyes and do not move," she nodded, causing fresh tears escape her eyes. Seeing Faith in that state seized the beast of Cloud's heart, pulled it up until it reached verge of sanity.

She closed her eyes, leaving him to his dark world, where he was a monster and she was just a prey. Cloud faced the other assassins, with a sinful anger burning within. His gaze watched dozen men Malcolm had sent to die. If he killed, blood will spill, causing alarm. The only alternative he had was to trick them out of the house.

Cloud glanced at his friend, who gave a nod, understanding his unspoken ploy.

Before he could return his gaze, one of the assassins came at him, like a hungry brute, leaving Cloud with no other option. He extended his hidden blade, wrapped the assassin's throat with left hand, his kick directed straight toward the assassin's gut. The power of the punt caused the man bend in pain. Cloud drove the blade in his back just inches away from the backbone, blood splattered on his form and the floor.

Retracting the blade, he mumbled a stream of curses. This was not his plan; he had to keep the house clean as if none of this ever happened. "Can you run?" he then asked Faith, urgently.

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