Assassin's Bride Chp40

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Here is another update, hope you all enjoy it. 


~*All concerns of men go wrong when they wish to cure evil with evil~*

At the mention of Faith's name Cloud enfolded his gloved hands around Artorius's throat, lifted his body up in the air then slammed his form on to the floor. Water splashed around them soaking their already drenched clothes. Fury's fingers still swathe around Artorius's throat, Cloud tugged him up violently then pushed Artorius back until his body collided with the water tank. 

The Ghost hoisted his knee then struck his patella against his opponent's gut in the most ferocious manner. "And let me guess," Cloud's chest heaved rapidly. "You were among those bastards who were craven enough to act against their odious father."

Artorius grinned then flinched when air did not reach his lungs. He hissed when Cloud lifted his left fist and kept delivering solid blows to the side of his body like a demented being. "Once you assassinated our master, locating you was not only arduous but almost impossible," He struggled, but failed. "Faith's guardian has his men shadowing her every single minute. He is not only shielding Faith, but you as well." 

Cloud released his throat then raised his blade and moved like a malicious viper towards Artorius's skull. The victim's eyes widened at the sight of the blade and terror glimmered in his azure eyes. However he did not shut his eyes, it was not what an assassin committed, they were to confront death with open arms. A sharp intake of breath escaped his lips as the blade came inches close to his face, then instead of his head it ripped the water tank behind him. A loud groan was heard followed by water streaming from the hole the blade caused. "You would be a fool to ponder that I do not know Hijikata stationed his pets all over the creed."

"Just like I mentioned earlier nothing is concealed from you."Artorius snarled in a hoarse voice."I_I wanted to reach out to you as soon as Malcolm was terminated, but I was unable. Then I contemplated, why not go to the man who would lead me straight to the Fury. And look here we stand."

Cloud stepped back from his opponent and exhaled in vexation. The veer of events twisted his brain, he never thought in his wildest dreams that someone like Artorius would accede to aid him, someone like Artorius who was a son to Malcolm just as he was. "What now, Fury?" Artorius questioned as he stood straight and craned his neck, then fixed his robe.

"How can I believe you wish for our well-being?" Cloud stepped close again. A hazardous look in in his impish eyes.

Artorius pursed his lip, then pointed his gaze to the blade that bit the tank. As if reading his mind, the Wolfic extracted the blade and handed him the dagger and observed as the creed assassin took off his glove from his right hand. He guided the blade close to his palm, meanwhile eyes on Cloud Wolfic, then in a split second he slit the skin of his palm in a swift move.

"An assassin's oath." Cloud whispered, appalled at his taboo act.

"I defy this vow, I die. You know that. We assassins belong to the devil, we practice magic in the most evil ways a mere human can think of. If I violate my oath, I will bleed to death within few hours."

Cloud smirked, took off the glove from his hand, then moved his hand to press his right palm on the bleeding wound on his left arm. He grunted at the pain that shot up his arm like a bolt. After a moment, he removed his hand only to see crimson blood had smeared his palm. Cloud stretched his hand to Artorius, who inhaled and seemed reluctant for a mere second then something like  a flame ignited his eyes and his grabbed Cloud's hand. The Fury surveyed as his brother in sin murmured a lethal imprecation, a curse that sold his humanity, his soul to the darkest creatures of hell.

A peculiar sensation knit it's thread around them and for a moment Cloud could not breath. As soon as it came the sensation vanished before the assassin could pull away. They stood there perplexed as to what occurred, such curse was heard to be done only in dark books and done by savage monsters. Cloud knew it would not affect him the way it would affect Artorius, but he could not dare rebuff that he just committed one of the greatest sins of his life!

The Fury stepped away when once again heartbeats called for his heart. "Proof your loyalty. Follow me." He ordered and made his way towards the golden crucifix.

Artorius gulped against the pain that crawled towards his skull and followed Cloud. He halted a feet and so away and watched as Cloud stood in front of the crucifix with his hands loose on his side, the robe that curtained his face and fell on his knees danced in the wind wildly. That moment another light struck over the sky and Artorius was bewildered at what he witnessed, he saw a man garbed in the cloak of death ready to annihilate devil!

A moment later Artorius came to stand alongside him and tugged his cloak over his head to conceal his identity. From the corner of his eye he observed Cloud forage for the girl like the king of birds. His sharp eyes took in every inch of the land ahead of them. The rain, or the ghastly wounds did not penetrate his concentration, nor did the deadly vow he bind his fate to moments ago. "There he is." Artorius turned his head left at the voice and frowned, his voice sounded like a beast barely chained. He watched as Cloud bend a fraction and lifted his form on the tips of his boots. 

Artorius was gifted a moment to comprehend Cloud's intention, he faced ahead, rolled his shoulders, mirrored his brother's actions and with that the two notorious assassins dived in the air. A minute later with the grace of a leopard they landed on their feet and broke into a sprint unaffected by their action, unmoved that they just leaped from the top of a mansion effortlessly. 

The pain that kindled his veins caused the Fury to bend over with his hand on his middle. Cloud closed his eyes, head bowed while rain dotted his already soaked body and luck tormented him. He stopped his run for a few seconds, few long torturous seconds well aware how Artorius scrutinized the fiend's moment of weakness. When, after those few seconds he opened his eyes, his world screeched to a standstill. There they were, the bastard, his cousin had his hand swathe around Faith's arm and dragged her way from him, away from the mansion towards the gates.

His eyes, those eyes that turned scarlet from wrath traveled to her face and it was then his heart, that damned heart bend down, knelt and surrendered to that naive woman. His narrowed eyes took in her wet hair that kissed her wounded cheeks, he could make out the tears in her wide eyes despite the pouring rain. Cloud could feel her fear, could almost taste it on his tongue, it reached out to him like a rope and wrapped itself around his throat like a cursed serpent.

In a bat of an eye, he welcomed darkness like the devil, like a bestial specter and Cloud knew he ultimately transformed into the being his master, Malcolm Uchiha wished him to be. He knew, Cloud knew he would assassinate Maynor even if that looted his own life. With that he dashed forward towards them, he could not afford to lose Faith, not now not ever. Panting the Fury urged his form and used the strength he had left.

"Maynor!" Cloud roared in a voice that inflamed the roots of the trees, turned the death into ashes and woke brutes of hell.

The Wolferian stopped dead in his track, then gradually he rotated around, his hand still on Faith's arm. Maynor's scarcely wide eyes landed on Cloud and a wave of horror swam in them. He clenched his jaw and pushed Faith closer to him...  


I know it's short but this is all I could write within five days. Hope you guys liked this chapter, man Cloud just can't stop using 'magic' :o 

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