I focus on my target and launch my shot. It hits the target and fire dead on and puts the fire out and the target shatters a few seconds after being hit.
"There," I say with pride in my voice, "Ruben, you're up."
Ruben breaths just enough fire to melt the ice and not enough to restart the fire. Then just to ensure his fire breathing skills are good enough to pass the exam, he reignites the entire firing range, which is designed for this kind of abuse so the professor is only slightly impressed. Then the storm hits and turns into a downpour. The downpour extinguishes the fire as we run inside.
"Due to the fire and then the storm you will not be tested on close combat today, I also trust your father to check your skills when you get home so I'm saying you passed the close combat exam so you can go home today. Now go pack your things." The professor tells us.
We celebrate our passing and return home. Then we rush back to our separate rooms to pack. I work for three minutes and Emeron waltzes into my room looking pleased with himself.
"Are you done with your packing already?" I ask.
"Yes and no, yes my stuff is ready to go back home and no I'm not packed because I teleported my stuff back home. I can show you how if you want?"
"That would be amazing, thanks Emeron."
"After that we should help Ruben even though he doesn't have nearly as much as us."
He shows me how he teleported his things home. It's basically putting all your things in the center of a fancy circle with fancy writing around it.
"What's it say?" I ask.
"It's the ancient magic writing of the elves, it loosely translates as 'take these things where i want.' the reason it's not used is because the elves have been guarding all their magical texts for millennia.They fear the spells would be used against them in times of war. The other reason is that the whole time you're drawing you have to imagine the place you want the things to go. We don't have the time to translate the name of your room to elf so I'm writing where I want and I am imaging your room back home. When we have time I will teach you and Ruben the language. So I don't always have to be around for you to do this."
He finishes the circle and the writing and my stuff just slowly fades away.
"Okay, that is cool. You're definitely going to teach me that."