Luna Chapter 10

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We head off for market after Emeron grabs his chalk. So we don't actually have to carry the supplies home. He can just teleport them home with his magic circle. As we fly to market we notice a particularly violent looking storm system nearby.

"Are you guys seeing this?" I ask.

"Yes I have been watching it the entire flight. I think that we will beat it to market. On the way home however we would be flying right into it." Emeron replies.

"Emeron, would you have anyway to block it out like you did on the way home from the academy?" Ruben ask's.

"No, I'm still wiped from last time. The only thing keeping me aloft is my fear of somehow triggering the lightning to hit me while I'm flying."

"So what are we going to do?" I ask.

"I was going to try to teleport us home with a variation of my original circle."

"Have you tried this at home? With something live?" Ruben asks.

"Of course I tested it out for safety. I tried it on a volunteer pixie and he went from standing on my desk to standing on my pillow 25 feet away. He said he felt like he had drank too much ale and then went to see a physician and he was given a death certificate five minutes after getting there."

"What!?!" Ruben and I ask in perfect unison.

"Just kidding. He was given a clean bill of health."

"Well, don't scare us like that."

"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood." Emeron replied in a huff.

We fly ahead of the storm for hours. Slowly making our way to the market. As we cross over a mountain chain, we slowly see the colorful tents from the market fade out of the fog and the clouds.

We land at the edge of the market and make our way to the main square. On our walk we see all manner of creatures strolling past booths filled a manner of odd wares and merchandise. From growing books containing all manners of knowledge, from magic maps to question genies. To plants and herbs that heal many illnesses and diseases.

The shoppers were even more diverse than the products for sale. Unicorns in robes of glowing light, some on all fours using telekinesis to check products, others being bipedal, and using their wiry arms and hands to get a better look at various goods.

Tall, slender elves in garbs made of living plants. Trolls in tunics made of molten gold, immune to the heat thanks to their tough skin and cooling magic to stop others from being burned and their natural luck at finding gold and other precious materials to make their clothes with. We stop and look around the school

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