~~~Ruben~~~chapter 6

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I have a tool up my sleeve take I think even Emeron will be jealous of. I get out my tool just as Luna and Emeron walk in.

"What's that in your hand?" Luna asks.

"I believe it's a magic bottomless duffel bag." Emeron answers.

"You've know about these?" I ask.

"Yeah, I have one but I don't use it much now that I have my magic spells."

"What spells?"

"Emeron found a magic language book that let's him do other things with his magic besides rapid healing, controlling his size at will, flight, and breathing lightning. He just teleported everything he and I owned back home through a teleporting spell he learned." Luna tells me.

"I was just about to do the same for your stuff but if you want to use the duffel then fine by me, I'm feeling a little tired from the spells anyway and there is one last one I want to do soon that I think we will all appreciate."

"I'll use the duffel but I want to see you do this spell." I say.

Emeron and Luna help me pack. Then Emeron starts drawing on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"He is setting up the spell circle." Luna informs me.

"Okay I need all of us to stand inside the circle." Emeron guided us into his circle. "I will now make us all weather-proof. Meaning that the sky in the direction we are flying in will clear up so we are not hit by lightning or drenched with rain on the flight home. I could just end the storm but then we might have to take the combat exam and the local plants could use the rain."

"Speaking of being hit by lightning, when did you learn to summon lightning from the sky?" I ask.

"Well, one day I was trying to focus my lightning so it would hit my target, and I actually built up the charges and they hit the target perfectly. I think my lightning just attracted a real bolt from the storm." Emeron replies.

"That seems like a great power."

"Yeah, I want to experiment with it later. Just to see if it was me or the storm that pulled down the real bolt."

"I'd be more than happy to work on that with you."

"Thanks, I'll take you up on that offer." He tells me.

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