Chapter 5

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Rose heard noises around her but she didn't know what they were. They were muffled and far away and she couldn't see anything but blackness. She felt power like nothing she had felt before surge through her. Suddenly a tiny white dot entered her version and the voices became clearer. "I think she's waking up!" One voice said. Soon Rose opened her eyes but her version was blurry. Still she could make the the blurry shape of Dr. Clef and Dr. Johnson. Johnson came towards her. "Take it easy Rose! We don't wanna lose you again." Rose groaned and touched her face. Her skin was cold as ice. As her vision cleared she slowly sat up. As she did she felt something nudging her side. She looked down to see a red teardrop shaped creature with a single blue eye in center of it. Johnson spoke up "That is S-" "SCP-131 the "Eye pods" Rose finished. Johnson blinked in astonishment. "How did you?" "Whatever 001 did. It gave me the ability to know any SCP and the other abilities my father had I guess." The eye pod nudged up against Rose again and Rose picked it up and set it in her lap and pet it. The creature made a purring noise and Rose smiled. "You have your father's gift indeed." Dr. Clef said. He handed Rose a mirror and she saw her different hair and eye color. "That makes sense." She mumbled to herself handing the mirror back. "I need to speak with 049." Rose said. "Rose I don't think th-" "Now now Johnson. She is his daughter and she will have the same rights he did." Clef looked at her. "You may go speak with 049. Here" he handed her a keycard. "You can use this to go into any SCP cell. Now off you go." Rose gently sent the eye pod down and went to 049s cell.

Rose put the keycard in and the door opened. When she walked in the door shut behind her and she saw the doctor in his usual spot. She went to go sit beside him. "So this is your new look now?" He asked playfully. "Yeah I guess. Why?" "Makes you look like a cartoon character." "Oh really and what kind of cartoon character would I be?" The doctor let out a sarcastic hmm. "A psychotic Canis familiaris." "Huh?" "A psychotic Chihuahua." "Oh." Rose let out a small laugh. "So are you really going to take your father's place?" "I don't have a choice. Clef will kill my mother if I don't." "Yes. Your human mother. What is she like?" "Well she's sweet, caring, nice, rarely loses her temper, just your typical everyday mother." "Sounds like Magnus got what he deserved. If only he could see you now though, he would probably cry. He was always a big crybaby." "Really now? I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." They both shared a chuckle. "Listen child, if you're going to take his place I will warn you. You will see an unusual amount of bloodshed. It's not pretty for the humans or SCPs." Rose looked at the doctor and tried to read his features. "Noted." A knock rang through the cell and Rose stood up. "I guess they need me for something. See ya around, Doctor." Rose left the room and the doctor stared at the door. "Such beauty in such a frail thing." He said silently to himself.

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