Chapter 6

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Rose holds the katana in her hand. "So this is SCP-572?" Dr. Clef watched her carefully. "Yes the katana of apparent invincibility. Your father's sword." "How is it my fathers?" "He chose the weapon himself. Said it spoke to him." Rose eyed the weapon curiously. "So I'm guessing I need this for my first mission?" Clef turned and looked at Rose in the eyes. "Exactly." Rose shifted her feet uncomfortably. "So what am I doing?" Dr. Clef began pacing. "We're having trouble with SCP- 169. The leviathan. It's getting restless and aggressive. The only thing that seems to calm it down is your father and you can figure out the rest." "So you want me to calm this..." "Giant sea monster."

The wind blew against Rose's face, sea salt filling her nose. "How much further?!" She called out to the boat captain. The captain glared at her. "Not much. The thing usually shows up by now." Rose's heart was pounding in her chest. She knew this thing was massive and giant sea monsters weren't really her forte. The boat stopped and the captain walked up to Rose. "This is it. It'll show up soon." "Thank you." The captain waved her off. "I'm only doing this for the money." Rose looked back out into the ocean and closed her eyes. 'Ok come on powers give me something. Let me sense it." She stood in deadly silence for a couple minutes. Then she opened her eyes and sighed. Nothing. Suddenly something hit the boat and it launched her and the captain off the boat. Rose went under and she could see it. The leviathan. She went up and gasped for air, she saw the boat sink and the captain flailing not too far from her. "Help! Help!" He screamed. Rose started swimming toward him but then the beast burst out of the water and bellowed. The captain screamed and the beast descended on him. The last thing Rose saw of him was the look of terror on his face before it swallowed him whole. Rose floated there a look of guilt on her features. Then the beast swan toward her at an alarming rate. She looked around for something anything to protect. When she didn't see anything she stared ahead and closed her eyes.

Then she felt something around her. It felt heavy but it wasn't making her sink. She opened her eyes to see herself encased in the metal that her necklace was made of. She had forgotten about that. She looked ahead to see the leviathan closing in on her but now she knew what to do. She went under and held her arms out waiting to stop to beast. It charged at her head on but she had caught it and was pushing back. The beast was strong but Rose was able to stop it with sheer strength and force. Once the beast stopped it look at Rose with a curious look. Rose could sense it's confusion. It was wondering when Magnus became a girl. Rose swam up until she was above the creature and then sat on the head. She began petting it until it was calm. Once it calmed it understood that Rose was its master's daughter and it, sadly, accepted Rose as its new master.

Rose was near shore and told the leviathan to stop as she didn't want people to attack it. She swam the rest of the way and she reached shore. Once there she saw that  Dr. Johnson was waiting for her. "What happened to the boat and Sean?" She asked. Rose looked at the ground sadly and Johnson knew what the meant.

Once they made it to the site. Rose headed to 049s and he held her as she cried her heart out.

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