Chapter 16

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Once Rose and the others were outside they saw the destruction caused by the other SCPs. Once Magnus saw SCP-682 he growled under his breath. Rose heard him though and asked "What's wrong dad?" He points to 682 "That's what convinced the 1471s to attack us." "Huh?" Rose asked. "When I was at the foundation 682 tried to escape but I was the one who put him back in containment. He's had a grudge against me since. He even convinced a doctor to kill me but you know how that went." "How did he get the 1471s to attack us?" "I don't know but he must had made quite the offer. The 1471s were terrified of me back at the foundation. I wonder how many other SCPs he has at his side." "Only one way to find out." Rose says as she unsheathes her sword. "Yes. Let's go."
They charge at 682 murder in Magnus's eyes but before they could get to him a spiked tentacle grabs Rose. She screams in pain. "Rose!!!" Magnus looks to see 058 the heart of darkness holding Rose. Magnus growls "What are you doing?!" My job." "And that is?" "Killing you and your daughter." The heart tightens its grip on Rose and she yells in pain. "But why?! You were one of the only ones I trusted during my time at the foundation?! Why would you turn on me?!" The heart laughed "Freedom." Rose sliced the tentacle holding her and she runs to get dad's side. Then 1471s surround the group. "Dad what do we do?!" Magnus's gaze was fixated on the heart "Hold them off. I'll deal with it." Rose looks at her dad worriedly but does as she's told.

"My this will be fun. We haven't sparred in years." The heart said amused. Magnus's face remained cold. "Except this time I won't hold back and I will kill you." The heart laughed. "Not before I kill you first." Then it shot all of tentacles at Magnus at lighting speed but Magnus grabs all of them in both hands and pulled the heart towards him and stomped on it. The heart stung his foot with his stinger but Magnus didn't flinch he merely kicked the heart away. It regained its balance and chuckled weakly "Is that the best you got?" Them Magnus's eyes turned completely emotionless and his hair turned white. "Oh have I struck a nerve?" The heart said stuttering a bit. It shot its tentacles at him again but this time he just held his hand out and they stopped. "What?! What is this?!" Magnus took control of its tentacles and stinger and made it stab itself repeatedly with them. The heart begged for mercy but Magnus stop. After an agonizing five minutes. Magnus stopped and walked up to the heart and said. "Remember this pain because this is what everybody who ever betrayed me felt before they died." "Magnus I'm sorry please forgive me." Magnus narrowed his eyes and stood up. "No." And with that he crushed the heart with his foot. "See you in hell."

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