Chapter 7

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Rose was sitting in the Dragon snail enclosure, she watching the interesting creatures move about their daily lives. She petted them, let them nibble on her fingers, and feed them. Johnson walked up behind her and watched her for a bit. 'How can something that could end the world be so gentle?' She thought to herself. "Could you not watch? It's kinda creepy." Rose said. Johnson gasped and fixed her composition. She cleared her throat "049 wants to see you." Rose gets up and dusts herself off. "Alright." She looked at the snails. "See ya little guys." Rose says.

Rose sat down at her usual spot next to 049. "You wanted to see me?" "Yes. You haven't been in here for some time. I was getting worried." Rose chuckled. "What's so funny?" "Oh nothing. It's just since I got my abilities. I know everything about every SCP and your file suggest that you're cold and only care about the cure but here you are worrying about me and you care for my father like he was your brother." There was a long pause between them. "Have you ever had a lover?" Rose blurted out. The doctor was silent for a long time before answering. "Yes." The doctor said reminiscing. "She was human and very beautiful. She has long red hair always in a braid and the brightest blue eyes. She always liked the mysterious type. When she met me she didn't fear me. When she found out what I was her love for me strengthen but I had forgot to mention my lethal touch. We were talking one night and...she touched my face trying to take the mask off." Rose could feel grief radiating from him like heat from a heater. "She fought with everything in her to stay alive but in the end.....she died right in my arms." Rose tried her best to hold back her tears. "I think that was the first time I ever shed tears for anyone." The doctor looked at Rose. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." "No it's fine. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't share your grief." The doctor looked at her questioningly. "Are you sure you want to be just 'friends?" Rose's face and ears turned bright red. "No!!!! I-I mean w-what made y-you think t-th-that?" Rose's heart pounded in her ears. "Well if you didn't, that would have been a shame. I might've returned your feelings." Rose calmed down a bit. "Yo-you would?" "But I guess that'll never happen." "Don't say that!!! I mean I m-might have feelings for you too." The doctor grabbed Rose by the back of the head and rested her head on his shoulder. Rose blinked a couple of times but then she closed her eyes and laid there. After a while Rose got up on and sat on her knees in front of him. "What are you doing?" The doctor asked. "Just trust me." Rose said. She reached out and touched his mask but the doctor grabbed her hands and stopped her. "What's wrong? Don't you trust me?" "Oh yes I just...I'm nervous." Rose gave him an affectionate smile. "It's all right. Whenever you're ready." The doctor nodded and after a minute he nodded his head again. Rose then gently put her hands on the mask and slowly took it off. Once she saw his face she gasped and covered her mouth, tears formed in her eyes. "What's wrong?" The doctor asked touching his face. Rose removed her hand and smiled. Her tears now falling. "Nothing." She said putting a hand on his face. "You're beautiful."

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