Chapter 1

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"Rosemary! You're gonna be late for school!!!" A mother yells. In a dark bedroom a girl is trying to go back to sleep, not wanting to get out of bed. The mother goes into the girls room and shakes her awake. "Rosemary. It's time to get up!" The girl grumbles "Fine." She sits up in her bed and the mother leaves the room. The girl gets up and takes a shower and brushes her teeth as she does every morning before school. She walk into the kitchen where she sees her mother smiling. "Happy 17th birthday Rosemary!" The mother says. The girl blushes "Mom you can just call me Rose." The mother laughs "I know but your father loved your name." "I know you always tell me that." The mother hands her a box with a ribbon on it. The girl takes the box and untied the ribbon and then opens the box. In it is a black necklace with a black heart charm on it. She takes the necklace and puts it on. "Who's this from?" She ask. "Your father he made with his ring. He wanted you to have it when you got old enough and I think you're old enough." "How did he make this from a ring." "It was made from a special type of metal that can stretch and mold like play doh. Never told me what it was though." Rose didn't really want to wear the necklace but she did it for he mother's sake. Her father walked out on them and they never knew why. Her mother said he had a good reason but she never believed her. "Well I better go. Anna's probably worried about me." "Ok have a good day sweetheart." Rose left her her house and walked to her friends house, which was a few blocks away. Halfway there she stopped and turned to the side, out where the woods where she sensed something was there. She looked for a minute and hurried along.

After she left a man with snow white hair, dark bags under his eye, and a very young looking complexion (like he was in his 20s), he was wearing a lab coat with scrubs underneath looked out after her. "That's defiantly her. SCP-48s daughter." A man in a military uniform walked up to him. "When do you want us to contain it?" "Soon. Sergeant soon." Then they disappeared back into the woods.

Rose walked up to her friend Annalise's house and knocked on the door. The door opened and something came out and tackled Rose. Rose screamed and tried to pull to thing off her only to see it was her best friend. "Dammit Anna how many times have i told you not to that!!!" Anna got up and pulled her friend up. "Sorry but today's your birthday and you deserved that one." Her friends eyes trailed to the necklace. "What's that?" she asked. Rose looked down at the necklace. "Oh this some kind of heirloom from my dad." Rose said in a jaded voice. "Oh I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." "No it's fine you didn't know. You were just curious. Come on let's go." The two friends walked to school and went through the same boring routine Rose's paranoia getting worse by the minute. Then they walked to Anna's to finish a project. Once they were done, Rose began to walk out the door. She only made it to the sidewalk in front of her friends house when she heard sirens and saw SWAT cars with the letters SCP on the side surrounding her house. Dread filled her heart, her eyes widened and she ran to her house at an alarming rate. Once she got there she kicked the door open and she saw a man with snow white hair interrogating her mother "MOM!!!" She yelled they turned to look at her. A look of horror covered her mother's feature "Rose get out of here." A military man hit her mother with the butt of his rifle. "MOM!!!" Two men came up and held her back and fury coursed through her veins. The white haired man walked up to her grabbed her chin and examined her features. "Your face resembles your fathers but you have you mother's eye and hair color. A pity." "What the hell do you want with us and how do you know my father?" The man let go of her and put his hands behind his back. "You mean your mother didn't tell you?" He laughed coldly. "Your fathers not human. He is an SCP." He then began to explain the foundation and her father's escape and how they've been looking for him but instead found her. "And now you will come with us..." He looked back at her mother and nodded his head. Two military soldiers picked her mother up and held guns 2 her head. "Or we'll kill your mother."  "Rose. Forget about me. Run." Rose looked from her mother to the man. "Fine. I'll join you but you have to let my mother go." The man smiled coldly "wise choice." The men let go of her mother. "Let's go." The men holding Rose took her the one of the cars and threw her in there. A few minutes later the car starts and takes her the foundation site.

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