"I bought this for you." Mike said, removing the tiny black box from his pocket. "I um... I wanted us to get married." He tried his hardest not to cry; although, finding out that both lungs had collapsed, her insides were mush and his girlfriend was brain dead killed him inside. "I planned on asking you tomorrow." A tear rolled down Mike's face, Carrie's mother and aunt, along with his parents, watching in tears. "I thought I would spend the rest of my life with you, I wanted to." Mike cried, laying his head onto her legs. "I still want to." Mike confessed, soaking the hospital bedsheets.
Carole looked up at her sister, tears flowing down both of their faces. Carrie was so much more than a daughter to her. Carole wished more than anything that her husband would be there comforting her.
"Carrie, I love you." He held her hand gently. "I will never love anyone else, not like I love you." Mike kissed her hand, opening the small box, looking down at the engagement ring. "Will you marry me?" He slid it onto her ring finger, making sure to be as gentle as possible.
Before Mike could say anything more, a loud beep took over the room. He immediately looked at the heart monitor, watching it flat line, he broke down into tears.
"No!" Carole said loudly, sobbing harder into her sister's shirt. "Carrie!" She entered the room, wrapping her arms around her young daughter, hugging her lifeless body tightly.
There wasn't any words that could explain the pain that she was in, that Mike was in, that Carrie's sisters would be in the second they found out the news. Her fans hearts would shatter into millions of pieces, the second they read the articles, the second it came across the television screen. There weren't any words to describe how much this woman was loved.
I've cried so many times over this chapter.