Chapter 4

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I woke up cuddle into Ben it felt nice but he was boney, he wasn't awake yet I didn't want to wake him so I slipped out of his arms and got up. To my surprise Finn was awake, I got some coffee and bacon and sat next to Finn. "morning babe" he said "morning sexy" I replied we just joke around we weren't dating but we used to. Danny walked in looking tired "morning sleepy" I said,"morning" he replied. Soon everyone was up and we were half an hour away from the venue which we still don't know what it's called. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready, I had my shower and got ready when I came out of the bathroom Ben said "you take a long time in that time I could of have a wank god" I laugh at his comment and stick my tongue out at him and walk into the lounge to play some Grand Theft Auto. Danny came in to tell me were at the venue and we can explore, I asked if he wanted to come with me to get a drink or so at the bar he responded" he couldn't he had sound check almost right away maybe after" I nodded my head and headed to the bar by myself I guess I could use some alone time.

*at the bar*

I ordered a shot of Jack and downed it an than another before I knew it I felt the buzz, some guy came up to me and started hitting on me I ignored it but but he got mad and hit me I got up and he grabbed my wrists and said "I'm sorry I love you I need you marry me?" I replied "I'm sorry you've got the wrong person!" than quickly left.

When I got back to the bus I heard sobs coming from the back lounge, so I went in and saw Danny he looked up and I saw he had puffy red eyes, he said "I'm sorry but please leave I'm not up to talking" I just sat down and hugged him, he sobbed some more and when he calmed down I asked "Danny why were you crying what happened?" "Myca broke up with me" he said between sobs, I told him everything's going to be alright and hugged him once more and I was just going to get up to give him space but when I did he whispered please stay I need someone. I stayed and we talked and than Ben came in yelling Danny were are yo- oh what's going on sorry to interrupt "no Ben its not like that I was comforting Danny" I said. "We weren't banging I swear" Danny said. Ben threw his hands up in the air and said "ok ok I got you", why were you looking for me ?Danny said to Ben, "because were on in 10 now come on" Ben replied. They left and I sat in the back of the bus replaying what just happened, do I like Danny? do I love Danny? is he right for me? I keep asking myself questions until Alexandria told me I need to come to the venue, so I got up and headed to the venue.

*at the venue*

Hello Washington, how are we tonight? I yelled into the microphone they screamed back to me. "what was that I can't hear you?" I said they scream and I repeated that sentence until I was satisfied. "Are you guys ready" they all scream yes and I told them the song name and started to scream the song.

*After the show*

An hour later we were done and I was all sweaty, I headed back to the bus to take a shower I walk into the bathroom and to my luck Danny is is the taking a piss I apologize and he chuckles. He comes out, I take my shower and he walks in and says paybacks a bitch I laugh and he strips and comes in the shower with me, "what do you think you doing" I ask, he replies "having a shower what does it look like" I laugh and get out and he puts a sad face on I get dressed and leave the bathroom, As soon as I hit the front of the bus everyone says "ooooh You and Danny had a shower together" Than Ben says "I knew something was going on between you too" "no no no he just came in" I said than Finn said "that's what she said" and Danny than asks "what did she say" everyone one laughs and they tell the whole story and I head to my bunk, I was about to drift off to sleep, when Danny opens my curtain and asks if we can talk I say yes and slide over and he hopes in we talk about him and Myca, and he tells me "Elli I know this is awkward but I love you" I reply by kissing him he pulls away and says I take that as a love you too, he asks me out and I say yes, he was about to get out and I ask him if he'll sleep in my bunk and he says "I would love too" than winks. He than gets a call.


A/N: I gave you guys a cliff hanger dundundun :3😵

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