Chapter 42-Cheater

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*Elli's POV*

I woke up remembering that I told Kian I'd keep in touch, I got up showered and admired my stomach. I walked down stairs to be greeted by Luci, I grabbed some breakfast, than cleaned the dishes. I sat on the couch and dialled Kian's number


Me:Did I wake you?

Kian:Nope, I've been thinking about you, I've missed you, what's been going on?

Me:I've missed you too, well, Danny and I are ahhh... Engaged.

Kian:Really congrats wish you a good wedding.

Me:You're invited faggot.

Kian:Oh, haha, how's the baby?

Me:It's good, we're pretty sure it's a girl, we're going for another ultra scan tomorrow!

Kian:That's good, I've gotta get going.

Me:Ok I'll talk to you later.

Kian:Sounds good.



I hung up. I sat on the couch with Luci and watched T.V for a bit; I watched Adventure Time, than Cake Boss, than last I watched Say Yes To The Dress:Atlanta. Just as the show finished the front door open and slammed shut, I looked over to see Ben standing there looking very pissed off and a tab bit sad. I walked over to him and hugged him tight, he hugged back, he started to cry, his sobbing was uncontrolable. After a while Ben calmed down, I asked him what happened, he said "Sam... she...she... cheated on mmmmee" "how" I excalaimed, he said "well, 

*flash back to Sam cheating Ben's POV*

I got of my car and walked in the house hopping Sam was home so I could propose. As soon as I went inside I heard strange noises, I ignored them; after a while they got louder and I heard a male voice too. I walked to the bedroom to see Sam and some bloke hitting it off, I felt tears form in my eyes, I ignored them and walked away. I went into the kitchen a wrote a note Sam, having a fun night? I bet you are, I saw you and that bloke, have a fun life with out me. We're done, and I can't believe I ws going to propose to you. Don't call me '-Ben. I walked out of the kitchen and to the door, I opened it and slamed it shut, I let the tears fall as I got in my car. I started to sing my feelings, I sang Not The American Average, it explains how Sam and I meet, "one step too late, and I never told you, never told you that I can't take another disapointment, breathing and grasping all leads to another messy ending, another messy ending" I sang sad, and mad, but mostly mad. I drove to Danny's, I parked in the drive way, I got out of the car and threw the little black box the held the ring on the road, than I stormed inside.

*current time, Elli's POV*

"what a bitch, you desevre better Ben, I mean it" I told Ben, mad that Sam did what she did. "moring babe" Danny said as he walked over to me, Luci following behind, "Ben? Why are you here" Danny asked, Ben told him what happend and Danny started ranting "what a bitch, you were going to propose to her, why in the fuck would she do that, yes your not prefect, but nobodys perfect, and when did you ever cheat on her, never. She is so disloyal, and you were going to propose, wha-" "I think Ben's heard enough for one night Danny" I cut Danny off. Ben told us he was tired and wanted to go to bed, we said our goodnights, and so did Luci. I got a call from Jamie

Jamie:Hello my friend

Me:hello, hows it going with James

Jamie:Good, how about you and mr. worsnop

Me:Good, wanna come over tomorrow with James

Jamie:Sure, let me ask James "James wanna go to Elii's for dinner tomorrow?"


Jamie:yes we'll come, and hows the baby

Me:ok, and It's good, we're pretty sure it's a girl, we're going for another ultra scan tomorrow!

Jamie:That's good, I've gotta get going.

Me:Ok I'll talk to you later.

Jamie:ok see you tomorrow.

Me: ok Bye.


she hung up. "what do you want for dinner?" I asked Danny, he replied "I don't know surprize me love" "ok" I told him as I walked off to make dinner. I made us cesar salad and prawns, we ate and I went to do the dishes. I grabbed some dirty dish water in a dirty cup and snuck behind Danny, I poured it on his head; at first he was mad, but than he laughed and did the same to me. After I finised cleaning the dishes and the mess Danny and I made I went to Bed Luci following behind. I got in my pj's and hoped in bed with Danny, I told him the plan for tomorrow and he nodded. We said our I love you's and went to bed.


A/N: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @aaloverdanika go and read her book, its called adopted by aa, I'm Elli.

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