Chapter 38-Last day of tour

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*Elli's POV*

I was awoken from my wonderful sleep by Alexandria telling me to get my pregnant ass up, I laughed and got up, I changed into my outfit. I went into the warped tour place early and met some fans, they are all so nice, I went to my merch booth and signed shirts and pants and some other things... too for them, after that I headed back stage. I gave Danny a good luck kiss and watched him preform. Soon I was on, I preformed but I spiced my show up a bit, I had Finn sing, and I tried to play drums, the fans liked this more than our usual show, before I left I said "if you wanna hang with me and chat come to the merch both and I'll try and meet all of y'all". As soon as I got off stage Danny told me I did great and kissed me, he told me he has something to do I wonder what he is doing. I walked off to the merch booth to spend my last day chatting and meeting fans.

*Danny's POV*

After Elli's show I went off to meet Ben, to plan proposing to Elli. We went to a store and picked out a ring, I hid it in one of my suit cases, than Ben and I discussed how I'm going to do it. We decided that I'm going to do it when were at my house, I'm going to take her out that were going to come home to rose petals leading up the stairs to our bedroom, than I will be hiding in the bathroom, I will drop a broom or something that will make noise and when she comes in I will be on my knee and on the mirror in her favourite colour it will say " Elli, I love you, Marry me" than I will say "Elli will you do me the honours and be my lovely wife" than she will cry and hopefully say yes. We agreed to that plan, I grabbed our bags and went to pick her up so we could go to our/my house. I was greeted by fans I said hi to a few, than got Elli and told her we had to go, she said goodbye and we left to take a cab to the airport, we feel asleep on the way to the airport. When we got there I grabbed some food for us, than we sat down and ate. Than on the intercom it paged for flight 203 for Dallas, TX. We got checked by security and headed off onto the plane. We were flying business class, so it was only us in a row. We sat down and buckled up, we talked about how much we love each other while we waited for the plain to take off. I could see Elli was a bit nervous, I asked her about it and she said "I'm only nervous about the fact that I'm going to be living with you for hopefully the rest of our lives" I smiled and kissed her, than a flight attendant walked down the aisle and told us to buckle up we will be taking off in a couple minutes, she explained the safety procedures and than left, than the pilot announced we will be taking off, this is it, I will be living with the women I love more than the world itself.


A/N: How do you guys feel about the spoiler about the proposal, haha suckas be mad. How do you guys feel about Danny and Elli living together? Merry Christmas <333

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