Chapter 8

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*Finns POV*

I walked off after the show into the cold and dark streets, I heard Danny yelling at someone I think it was Myca, but I won't know unless I ask him and that would be rude. I keep walking until I bumped into someone I said "oh shit sorry" it was Myca she was quite attractive I see what Danny saw in her "it's ok, wait you're in that band with that slut that stole my boyfriend" she said I responded "yeah.. But she's not a slut she's really nice" "wanna go out for a drink with me?" she asked I couldn't help it I said yes shes just so perfect "yes I would love to" I said, she responded "ok let's go to this one follow me" she grabbed my hang and smiled I put on my fake smile and went with her.

*at the bar Myca's POV*

I saw one of the people in Elli's band, time to get revenge he's not hot at all but I need my revenge on that slut bitch. "so what would you like?" I asked him he told me "a lime margarita please" I ordered a couple shots and his margarita. I downed my shots and kissed him knowing that Elli was across the room, to my surprise he kissed back his lips were soft and his kiss was gentle not hungry.

*Finn's POV*

"so what would you like?" Myca asked me, I responded " a lime margarita please" she ordered our drinks she ordered a couple shots and downed them and kissed me it was nice it's the first time in a while I've had a kiss from a girl, Elli was the only other girl who ever kissed me. She pulled away and grinned I kissed her again, what did I do I know I shouldn't do this but I did what if Elli saw what if she hates me now I still love her I pulled back and she whispered in my ear "do you wanna take this to the back room" she winked I responded "um I um no um sorry um yeah.." way to go Finn talk about making things awkward "ok that's ok we just met" she said, I responded "I got to go to the bathroom be back" "ok" she said. I went into the bathroom and ran cold water and splashed it on my face, I saw James walking towards me oh shit, "hey you were with Myca and kissed her wtf mate she's trouble stay away" he said,oh shit he did see "I um didn't mean to she kissed me first and I couldn't help myself I know it's wrong I'm sorry" I said and mumbled the last part, "you better go talk to Elli she stormed off outside she was sober enough to know what was going on" he said, I nodded at went to piss and than I would talk to Elli.

*Myca's POV*

I saw Elli storm off outside Myca-1/Elli-0 plans gone perfect,time to go brag and say he loves me and other shit to cause stuff than I will leave with no trace.

*Elli's POV*

I saw everything, from Myca kissing him to him kissing her, so I stormed off I can't take her shit anymore. I went outside and lit a smoke and Myca came out and told me "saw us kiss didn't you, he loves me and he hates you he was saying that he was planing to quit the band and leave so he can come live with me" she smirked whilst she said that stuff, I swear she's the devil, "you know I don't care, I want you to know if you break his heart I will come and break your face he's fragile" she just looked at me and said "I will just because I can bye bitch" and with that she left and spat on me, I stood there for a moment processing what just happened, I broke out crying feeling horrible I told her I didn't care about Finn but I do I care a lot about him. I felt someone hug me I thought it was Ben or Danny,but it was Finn I look up and he wipes the tears from my eyes and I sadly ask "why do you hate me, and why didn't you tell me you wanted to quit the band" "wait wtf what gave you that idea I don't wanna quit the band and I don't hate you you're my best friend and please don't tell this is going to be like our fight at the end of my year 7 and during year 8" he said,I stood back up and said "Myca told me that, I promise we're not going to get into a fight well at least not as big as that one" I smiled half heartly at him. I said I was going to get a couple more drinks and asked if wanted to join us and he said "I would love to" and smiled so we went inside and order lots of drinks and got drunk and danced, Ben and James are the funniest drunk, I've got to say.

*Danny's POV*

It's really late and nobodys back yet I'm worried, but I'm sure it's nothing. I went to take a shower when there was a knock on the bus door wtf its open and it's 12:30am I go and answer it, it was some I really did not want to see, Myca she was crying I ask her why to be polite,and she said "Elli was cheating on you, I asked her why and she said because you're fat and won't have sex with her, I told her that's wrong and she hit me and cut me with a knife, and spat on me" she showed me the marks, I just stood there shocked and said "why would she do that I don't BELIVE you" "look I recorded on voice what she said" she showed me a voice recording I finally believed her and said "ok I belive you know you can leave I need alo-" she cut me off by kissing and I pulled away and said "NO STOP JUST BECAUSE SHE CHEATED ON ME I WON'T CHEAT ON HER, by the way mind me asking who was the guy?" "it was Ben And Finn" she responded I shut the door in her face locked it and called Ben he picked up I could tell he was drunk


Danny-did you kiss Elli?

Ben-wait who's Elli, oh oh I know my BFF and no shes dating someone I can't remember but there really SEXYYYYYYYYZZZ


I hung up and went into a corner and broke down, what did you do Danny? You're such a dick, that was so rude he might not have been lying, Myca could have been the one lying! Failure! Stupid! Worthless! Asswipe! I had enough I went into the bathroom and punched a couple holes and punched the mirror and used the glass to cut I cleaned my cuts and thought stupid asshole you're such a stupid asshole for cutting how pathetic god Danny. I crawled into my bunk and cried myself to sleep hoping this was all a dream or illusion.


A/N: You guys probably hate me because of all these cliff hangers but since I didn't update for almost a week I'll post another chapter of two today. Tell what you think.

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I have this new thing to say its: that's what he said. -_-

---_____---(fail at whale face lol)

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