everything happens for ah reason ♥

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hello my name is Cristina ♥ this is my first wattpad story , so don't hate me if it sucks like really sucks please ? :D follow me on twitter @CristinaMahone ♥ & if you don't mind follow my bestfriend @_Mahones_girl ^-^

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Chapter 1 ; ♡

- Cristina -

Finally it's Friday, just today than it's the weekend thank you lord. I get really tired of seeing the same old faces except for my bestfriends Jayda and Matthew, they are the main reasons I even come to this dumb place. I walked to the lunch table where i always meet up w/ Jayda, she was sitting their listening to music not even knowing I had walked in. When she finally looked up ah big smile crossed her face & she screamed " Cristina it's been forever since I've seen you, where have you been? " I looked @ her , I couldn't help but laugh & I replied " Jayda you saw me yesterday? " She looked confused , & responded w/ " oh yeah I forgot. " She busted out laughing as if it were the funniest thing ever, I knew she laughed @ everything which made me laugh.

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Math class finally my last class of the day, while I was just looking around dazing my phone started vibrating, I quickly checked to see who was texting me, it happened to be Jayda " hey bestfriend, let's hang out tonight? (: " I texted back saying " okay sure what do you wanna' do? ^.^ " I quickly got ah text back saying " let's hang out w/ my friend Austin tonight? :D " I had no idea who Austin was, & I didn't wanna' be mean going crazy saying no because I didn't know the guy so I texted back quickly " who's Austin? (: & alright sounds good, pick me up tonight? ^-^ " finally the bell rang , & I walked to the spot where I would meet Jayda because she took me home from school everyday, & to also ask her who he was because she never texted me back. I see her walking up to me all happy , I was wondering what made her so happy but I didn't say anything about it , I just asked her " so who's that Austin guy? you never texted me back punk! " she smiled @ me & said " oh he's just my friend, he's all YouTube famous, but he's really cute. " And w/ that I stopped asking questions about him, I would learn more about him tonight anyways. We finally had pulled up to my house & she said " Okay bye Cristina. I'll be here @ around 8 to pick you up, we will be out pretty late , so can you just spend the night? " I replied " yeah I can see you tonight " I ran inside w/ a smile.

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I opened the door & nobody was even home, usually my dad is so I called him telling him about my plans he said it was fine, just for me to let my mom know so I had to call her also and she said it was fine too. I had to go take a shower, & get my things packed. it was pretty warm outside so I wore my little blue jean shorts w/ my nice red shirt because red is my favorite color. I also picked up my black & red jordans & put them on. it was already 7:30 so Jayda should be here @ 8, so to save some time I went to twitter & started tweeting " spending time w/ my bestfriend @_Mahones_girl tonight ♥ & her friend Austin (: " as soon as I tweeted it I got a bunch of retweets & favorites. I swear there was like 20 retweets & 30 favorites I had never got that many before. I sat there thinking what was the big deal about that tweet, before I could tweet again I heard beeping coming from outside , I knew it was Jayda because she usually beeps 3 times & than I come running outside & she yells " STINA ! ♡ " every time we hang out.

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" Hey Jayda, so where are we going? " I asked.

" Austin's house to pick him up. " she replied. I had nothing else better to talk about so I decided to tell her about the tweet I had posted before she got to my house.

" hey jayda so I tweeted that I would be hanging out w/ you & that guy Austin & than suddenly I got 20 retweets & 30 favorites, what do you think was the big deal about that tweet? " I asked. she looked @ me like I was stupid & said " Cristina come on , you got to know this it's AUSTIN MAHONE! " I sat there thinking was I supposed to know who he was because I really don't? We had finally pulled up in front of ah nice house & she beeped 3 times just like she did to me, & he came outside she screamed " aye Ameezy " & he smiled, I was sitting their thinking oh my gawd he is so cute , I better not embarrass myself in front of him. I had never got this feeling before but my heart started pounding fast as he looked @ me & said " Hey I'm Austin, you must be Cristina right? " he said w/ ah big smile. I tried not being stupid , I looked up @ him & said " Yeah that's exactly who I am , hello Austin nice to meet you. "

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- Jayda -

As Austin came outside I looked @ Cristina's expression when he came to us smiling to get into the backseat of the car, her face was priceless. He said hi to me giving me the best hug ever, & than looked @ Cristina who was sitting in the passenger seat beside me , & said " Hey I'm Austin, you must be Cristina right? " I looked @ Cristina she had no idea what to say but finally she said something so it didn't make her seem like ah freak she replied to him " Yeah that's exactly who I am, hello Austin nice to meet you. " As we all got situated in the car we had no idea what to do so we decided to go to my house for ah movie night.

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- Cristina -

I was so shy I didn't know what to say, I had never liked a guy before, & I had never thought a guy was cute EVER so this was a bit weird to me.

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hello everyone thank you for reading part 1 , keep in touch for part 2 , this one was ah bit boring I'm sorry /.\ but please vote, comment, & share. ♥ it would mean ah lot to me, thank you I love you ^0^

everything happens for ah reason ♥Where stories live. Discover now