Chapter 14 ♥

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- Austin -

I'm glad Cristina believed me , I couldn't lose her again, I think her & Matthew were here til' tomorrow morning so I made most of the day I had w/ her. I looked @ Matthew while I was hugging Cristina, I mouthed the words " thank you. " he smiled & he nodded his head.

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- Matthew -

I had until tomorrow , so might as well find me ah girl right ? Cristina had invited me to go eat pizza w/ Austin & her so I agreed , I just wanted to find ah girl, maybe I would. we walked around for awhile & finally got to the place, Alex than showed up & he was surprised to see us. he looked around hoping to see Jayda, but he didn't. he looked @ me ugly for some reason, I was just sitting down wondering why, he kept on, finally I got the courage to speak up " you have ah problem w/ me or what? " he responded " yeauh I do, I wouldn't if you just stayed away from my girlfriend! " I smirked , replying " what're you talking about there is nothing going on w/ me & Jayda, we're just friends. " he yelled " DON'T LIE I SAW HER KISS YOU ON THE CHEEK @ THE AIRPORT WHEN I LEFT. " boy he's going to feel so stupid once I tell him what happened. I smiled huge , & said " dude chill I don't like her like that, I was hugging her & Cristina because you know their boyfriends were coming to I don't know Miami, & to thank me they both kissed me on the cheek. " he looked @ me surprised, his cheeks were getting super red , he than smiled @ me saying " I knew that I'm sorry man. " I nodded laughing @ him, than I thought to myself why does everyone think I want their girlfriend?

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- Cristina -

we were all sitting down , I could see Alex looking @ Matthew ugly I didn't know why so we just waited for our pizza while I talked to Austin, than finally Alex blew up yelling & I started laughing because I thought it was cute how Alex was over protective & loved Jayda so much. we had finally got our pizza , & stayed @ the pizza place for about 5 hours just talking, watching tv, & eating pizza. we finally decided to go back to Austin's hotel, Matthew was going to sleep on the couch, I was ganna' lay down w/ Austin & than I heard Dave his bodyguard come in " Hey Austin I just heard your new song 11 . . . . " & than he saw me , & stopped what he was saying, than he had said " hey Cristina , Austin's missed you so much I swear. " I got up giving him ah hug & he left the room. I looked @ Austin who was sitting next to me nervously, I than asked " so your song is 11? " he replied " no it has 11 in it but that's not the name of it, you will find out soon. " I smiled knowing he wasn't going to tell me , he knew how to keep surprises which I hated.

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- Austin -

me & Cristina were in my room , than Dave came in the room mentioning my first single thank god he didn't say the whole name of the song, that would've ruined the surprise, this song was huge because it was about my girlfriend that I love oh so much. this had to be ah surprise for her. she than slowly fell asleep in my arms, her phone went off I really didn't want to look @ it after what happened last time but I still did like an idiot. I looked @ who the text came from it was ah number that wasn't saved , but i recognized the number it was TYLER! it read " babe it's working Austin has no clue your w/ me, I love you & he could have Taylor. " I couldn't believe it, I don't know how Cristina was going to explain this to me , but she had to , she couldn't be cheating on me, I couldn't believe it @ all I was going crazy, I kept reading it over & over again, I walked to the main room where Matthew was , he was still awake I than showed him the text , i told him " that number is from Tyler ! " his mouth dropped he was speechless, we started talking about it , he had first said " do you really think that it's tyler? " I shrugged my shoulders which everyone pretty much knew that it meant I don't know , he looked @ me & replied " I know this text is in front of you but I honestly don't believe it, neither should you. " I agreed, telling him thank you one last time, I went back to Cristina to see if she would tell me anything in the morning I didn't reply , she had the pop-up messages so i didn't exit out I left it their on the screen. I decided to finally go to sleep, hopefully she would show me tomorrow morning before she left.

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- Cristina -

I looked @ the time it was 8:45 in the morning, I looked @ my phone seeing ah message from ah random number, I sat their thinking I only have 1 boyfriend that I know of, his name's Austin. should I tell Austin or keep it to myself? I'll talk to Matthew, so I got up quietly from the bed going to the main room, I saw Matthew awake so I jumped on the couch & sat down. I told him all about the message asking him what I should do, he nodded so I knew he was listening to me, he finally replied " well first of all since Austin is your boyfriend you should show him this text, you don't want to hid anything it will get back to him later somehow & we both know it. " I understood what he meant so I decided to tell Austin when he woke up.

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- Austin -

I woke up to see Cristina wasn't laying next to me , I got up & saw her laying on the couch, I went up to her & kissed her, she smiled kissing me back than she finally said " Austin I got this text from this number , I'm guessing it's Tyler , because who else would mention Taylor, anyways I just wanted to show you this , I love you & your my only boyfriend. " I smiled because she told me I replied " I understand I love you too. " I kissed her , grabbing her neck & she roamed her hands through my hair. I finally stopped kissing her , knowing she had to go back to San Antonio, she got her bags , I went w/ her to the airport but I don't think I should've done that , in the airport because ah bunch of Mahomies kept asking to take pictures w/ #Austina ♥ we agreed, we took about 50 pictures, & she finally got on her plane leaving right after our good bye kiss.

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- Cristina -

as I was leaving these Mahomies asked for pictures so we took about 50, Matthew was even included in some, I finally had to get on my plane , I kissed Austin good bye & we left , I started crying AGAIN , Matthew was there for me again hugging me , the whole ride I was basically crying , & I finally had stopped, & fell asleep for the 30 minutes we had left. when I got off the plane I saw Taylor standing there all I did was roll my eyes, trying to walk passed her until she put her hand in my way, I didn't want to fight , but she kept tempting me, Matthew tried holding me back too, she really pissed me off when she said " think about it every time your kissing Austin your tasting me . " she winked & I couldn't hold it in anymore she turned around I jumped on her back choking her, she bumped into ah bunch of walls hurting my back, I finally let go of her & I started punching her.

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end of chapter 14, I know this was super boring /.\ what do you think happens next? sorry keep voting, reading , & commenting :') thanks , <3 ^0^ spread around ? c:

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