Chapter 13 ♥

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- Matthew -

after I heard that girl I had to find out if he was cheating, Cristina got out tomorrow morning so I bought us flight tickets to Miami, I know it was short notice but we had to find out.

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- Cristina -

Matthew texted me saying " bestfriend I THINK Austin is cheating, don't get mad but I got us flight tickets out to Miami, I can't just let what I heard go okay? we're going as soon as you get out of jail' I'll be by to pick you up. " I kept reading the first 5 words over, & over again. I showed Briana, so she could tell Joe to come get her, Dianida gave us her number so we could hang out sometime or kick Taylor & Nicole's a*s together. so it was already midnight, I decided to go to bed & get ready to see if the boy I fell for was really cheating on me.

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- Austin -

after I got that call from Matthew I had just got back to my room & I could hear the girl next door telling her boyfriend to get back to the bed, I really hope I don't hear anything else. most importantly I hope Matthew didn't hear that, & take it the wrong way. I decided to get to bed, I got to rest tomorrow so that was good for my voice supposably.

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- Cristina -

I had just woke up, the cop let us out realizing he forgot to take our phones , he just blew it off, I hugged briana good-bye , & walked out to see Matthew waiting for me, I got into the car not saying ah word, I looked in the backseat & saw bags of clothes packed he was serious we were going to Miami. The whole ride was quiet, except the music was on, @ least we had some music. we finally pulled up to the airport, we got our things out of the back to hear us calling our flight number.

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- Matthew -

we were quiet the whole ride, I don't know why I wasn't mad it @ her , but whatever than as we got our things out of the backseat , they started calling our flight so we started walking to our flight, as soon as we got on to the plane we looked @ eachother & I asked her " you mad @ me? " she waved her head so I knew she was saying no, I decided to tell her " no matter what happens I'll be here for you I promise. " she smiled hugging me. w/ that we both fell asleep.

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( 2 1/2 hours later )

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- Matthew -

as we landed we both woke up, got our bags, & walked to the hotel where Austin was staying, he had told Cristina where he was staying @. she said he was in room 74, so we finally got to room 74, opening the door slowly . . . . /.\

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- Cristina -

we got to his room & Matthew opened the door slowly, I walked in I went to the bedroom to see ah girl laying on his bed, I started tearing I didn't know for sure' but than Austin came out of the bathroom w/ his shirt off , he looked @ me straight in the eyes smiling, & he saw fury in my eye when I looked @ her sleeping in the bed, than back @ him, he knew I was pissed, than he started saying " babe this isn't what it looks like I swear to god it isn't. " I started screaming because I didn't believe him " Austin I loved you so much, your my first fu*king boyfriend how could you do this to me! you cheated on me , wow we're done! " before he could say anything else the tears streamed down my face, I ran out leaving Matthew there the only thing I heard Austin say was " babe I swear . . . " I could hear it in his voice that he was ganna' cry .

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- Matthew -

I looked @ Austin, he started crying , maybe he regret what he had done or maybe he didn't do anything @ all. he started talking " Matthew I didn't cheat on her think about it I was scared to love, I know what it feels like, why the f*ck would I cheat if my ex-girlfriend cheated on me w/ my bestfriend well now ex-bestfriend & that hurt like ah b*tch. " I stood there listening to him & understood what he meant I kept nodding my head, than I heard the voice of the girl I had heard over the phone, I looked @ Austin & said " uhm who was that? that girl? " he looked @ me w/ tears in his eyes, responding " the girl next door, that's the girl you heard on the phone, the girl laying in my bed is my vocalist her boyfriend kicked her out , she needed ah place to stay, I slept on the couch you have to trust me. " I did believe him I nodded , saying " I believe you. " & walked out. I walked downstairs to the bottom of the hotel & saw Cristina, she was crying her eyes out I finally explained what Austin told me, she started wiping away all her tears , I took her back up to Austin's hotel room.

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- Austin -

I was waiting for Matthew & Cristina to come back up , & they did, she wouldn't even look me in the eyes, it hurt so much it really did, Matthew left the room knowing we needed time alone. I started " Cristina I swear I would never cheat on you, your my everything, & if I would've cheated & saw you wouldn't you think I would be shocked & scared but NO I was smiling, & I wanted to run up to you to give you the biggest kiss ever but than I saw you look @ Amanda, my vocalist. I love you & only you I swear to god. " she started smiling & kissed me replying " baby I believe you, I love you too, I understand . " she gave me the kiss I had been waiting for, Matthew walked back in smiling.

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- Cristina -

I walked back inside to his hotel room, he explained everything to me I might be stupid but for some reason I forgave him I could tell he meant every word he said. I kissed him grabbing his hair, I was the happiest girl in the world he was MINE & ONLY MINE ! ♥

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so what did you think of chapter 13 ? ♥ vote, share, comment please ? (:

Briana, Dianida, Cristina ( me ) , Jayda, Matthew are real people that I actually know :3 I hope you liked this chapter. ♡

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