Chapter 16 ♥

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- Cristina -

it had been 2 weeks since I talked to Matthew after everything that happened that one night, I been focused on Austin these whole 2 weeks, I actually have been spending ah lot of time w/ Dianida, Briana, & Jayda. Dianida had found out about me & Matthew, I found out she had ah boyfriend named Jose. ♡ I saw pictures of them , they were so cute together. we were all going to go to whataburger tonight , so on our way there we ran into none other than Taylor & Tyler. I stood their smiling wondering how in the world they were still together but oh well none of my business, Dianida saw Taylor, & basically didn't have anything to say she just rushed her beating the crap out of her, after she got done w/ Taylor , she decided to go after Tyler , Jayda thought it would be fun to mess w/ Taylor, Briana wanted to fight Tyler also so she went to help Dianida, I was standing their about to go help but as soon as I took ah step someone grabbed my hand. I looked @ Dianida, Jayda, & Briana's faces that looked speechless they let go of Tyler & Taylor, I was worried I slowly turned around to see Matthew holding my hand, I couldn't speak, I just stood there w/ ah blank expression.

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- Matthew -

I saw everyone fighting, I saw that Cristina was about to jump in but I grabbed her hand before she made her first move, she slowly turned around to see me w/ her mouth wide open, & she didn't say ah word. we haven't talked in 2 weeks I missed her so freaking much I really did, I finally looked up to see Dianida, Jayda, & Briana's faces who were all shocked, I than said " you been avoiding me? " she waved her head saying no but I knew she was lieing , I lifted her chin making her look into my eyes before I could say anything she kissed me! I didn't kiss her but she was kissing me , I kissed back I had been waiting for this since that night I touched her hand.

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- Jayda -

I saw Matthew grab Cristina's hand , we all did, except for her she turned slowly, & than they were talking. I didn't hear what they were saying but than SHE KISSED HIM, I was actually expecting him to kiss her but NO , she kissed him! I looked @ Briana who was smiling but she was confused @ the same time, she was w/ Austin , did she just kiss her bestfriend !

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- Briana -

she kissed Matthew! im'a die just kidding but I was totally not expecting this especially since she was in love w/ Austin & had been avoiding Matthew for 2 weeks, what came over her to do this, like seriously I just can't believe this happened.

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- Dianida -

( first one for her ♡ )

she kissed him oh my gawd I called it, this is ganna be hard to tell Austin, they love eachother well nevermind I don't know anymore , but while everyone is freaking out im'a go f*ck up Tyler, I started punching him , kicking him & stomping on his stomach but that got boring so I just kept punching him , & I tried flipping his a*s , I looked up to see everyone going crazy, I laughed but continued beating up Tyler.

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- Cristina -

I kissed Matthew, I pulled away looking @ him , he was smiling but I wasn't I just cheated on my boyfriend the guy I had fallen in love w/. I didn't even look @ him , I jus started running away , tears running down my face , I ran into my room crying my eyes out, I didn't know what to di I just fu*king cheated ! I know for'sure he's never going to forgive me , I hate myself, why am I so fu*king stupid !

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- Matthew -

she kissed me, she pulled away I was smiling but she wasn't I knew I shouldn't have kissed back but it was tempting what was I ganna' do , she LOVED Austin, she can't keep this from him I know she can't . if they break up I'm the reason for it & I know it .

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( 2 months later ) ♥

- Cristina -

today is February 1st the day Austin's coming back from Miami, I can't wait to see him & to tell him how stupid I was when he was gone, I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose him for good, well he gets here @ 2:30 today it's already 1 so I needa' get ready, I called Jayda to come w/ me , she said yesss so I got ready & walked to her house. I knocked on the door, she answered it smiling , I let ah little smirk she than screamed " be happy your boyfriends coming home ! " I looked down , replying " soon to be ex-boyfriend as soon as he finds out what I did . " she than remembered what happened, she hugged me saying " everything will be okay I promise, I'll be here for you . " I hugged her back, tears coming out of my eyes I said " thank you, he's ganna' hate me I stayed w/ him for 2 months & talked to him as if nothing was wrong, he's going to hate me forever & I know it! " she looked sad , replying " it's time to go, but no he LOVES you he won't hate you. " I nodded & we were on our way to the airport.

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- Austin -

today was the day I was going home to see my girlfriend, I missed her, I loved her so freaking much. I had just landed , & got off my plane, I looked up to see Cristina smiling when she saw me & I ran up to her giving her ah huge hug & kiss spinning her around & around, than her smile went down. I put her down hugging her saying " I missed you babe, I love you. " she started crying replying " I missed you too, I love you too. " I picked her head up , she was crying A LOT ! was it because she missed me so much, or what? I was confused than I went in to kiss her she than said " your ganna' hate me , I'm so sorry. " I pulled away , saying " I could never hate you what's wrong? " she cried even more , something was really wrong than she said it really low " I kissed Matthew. " I didn't hear her I said " what'd you say babe? " she said it louder for me " I kissed Matthew. " & tears fell down even more, she looked @ me in the eyes, I looked @ her , starting to cry saying " how could you do this to me? you did exactly what Taylor did except w/ your bestfriend! I loved you so much Cristina seriously you did? please tell me this is ah huge joke PLEASE ! " she just looked @ me w/ more tears flowing down her cheeks replying " I know I'm so sorry I'm so stupid I knew how it was for you to love again I'm really sorry, Austin please I love you so much , I made ah HUGE mistake, he's just my bestfriend I felt lonely I'm sorry I wasn't thinking , just forget this happened please , I don't know how I could do this but please everyone deserves ah 2nd chance, forgive me I love you so much I just . . . . " I stopped her tears falling down my face I hugged her , I knew how sorry she was I could see it in her eyes how sorry she was if she hadn't cared this much I wouldn't have forgiven her I lifted up her neck , kissing her deeply , pulling away " I forgive you. " she dropped to the floor crying & said " thank you lord , I will never make the same mistake again. " I kissed her again wiping her tears, we both looked to the side to see Matthew standing there.

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