chapter 25 ♡

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- Cristina -

they said I'm in love w/ you & I looked up to see Matthew , the boy who made me lose my first love, the boy who has been my bestfriend for 5 years, I just didn't know what to say so I replied " I love you too but I'm not in love w/ you. " & he smirked ah little replying " I'm fine w/ that just give me ah chance to show you I can love you . " & he started leaning in, he got so close I could smell his breath, it was minty & I loved it, his nose brushed mine, he grabbed my waist & he knew that was my weakness but than I finally got the courage to pull back , & say " I'm sorry I just got out of ah relationship w/ my first love, I blame myself for that but maybe you got ah chance. " he looked down than back up @ me replying " I know I'm sorry & I won't give up on you. " he winked @ me, & I smirked but I was still heartbroken.

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- Austin -

I felt like dieing , I'm so tired of this I really am, she was crying so hard on the phone & I couldn't take it anymore, plus I'll be away from her for ah couple of months maybe I can get over her. I was telling myself that but I knew months wouldn't be long enough , I don't know if I ever could get over her, she's my everything & I'm in love w/ her.

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- 1 year later -

- Austin -

it's been 1 yea since I've seen cristina, I'm flying back to san antonio today, I wonder how she's doing, I'm getting bigger & bigger everyday, right now @ this moment I'm trying to figure out how to write my 3rd song, I got 11:11 & Say somethin' so far. I guess I'll do ah ustream before I head off to San antonio, so I tweeted " Mahomies Austream 5 minutes :) " as soon as I tweeted it , I got everything set up & got on , I sat their thinking of what to say , as soon as I started the video I said " hey their Mahomies, so right now I'm going to San antonio, any questions today? " I kept getting questions about Cristina some said are you excited to see Cristina, can Austina come back, do you miss Cristina , do you still love her ? I kept getting questions like that so I answered them " I am excited to see Cristina actually, I know this hurts you guys to hear but she's my first love, maybe Austina will come back you never know, I do miss her so much, & last question do I still love her maybe I do & maybe I don't. well I have to go everyone okay I love you all w/ all my heart, thank you all so much for supporting me. " w/ that I headed to the airport.

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- Cristina -

I've been really good actually , I currently have my boyfriend & I'm sure everyone knows him as my bestfriend Matthew. we got together about 4 months after Austin left, & our relationship is perfect almost, I have my twitter account where I inspire some people, that's what I've always wanted to do. to be honest I've been listening to Austin's songs, keeping up w/ him on twitter, I've been watching mahomie madness, I still have our pictures. I saw that he posted ah ustream so I watched it & I was shocked about the questions he answered & I was going crazy since he was coming back here to San antonio. I quickly logged off the computer , just sitting there thinking until I felt someone wrap their arms from behind me & kiss me on the cheek , it was Matthew I smiled , turning around to kiss him back. he made me so happy, I started thinking about everything I had been through like the reason I found Austin, the reason he became my first love, the reason why Matthew became my bestfriend , the reason why me & Austin broke up, the reason why me & Matthew are together now, I realized it's the truth everything happens for ah reason. ♥

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- Matthew -

I was outside the room when I saw Cristina on the computer watching Austin, I knew she still loved him, so I found out that he's coming back to San Antonio , & I really don't want to lose her, I'm so deeply in love w/ her & I don't know what I'd do if I lost her as my girlfriend. she looked down as if she was sad because I saw the questions that he answered , I'm guessing she hasn't talked to him, I can tell she misses him & I know she still loves him, I walked in forgetting what I just saw to make her feel better I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her on the cheek , she turned around kissing me , I felt her smile into the kiss. ♡ I than said " baby? " she looked up @ me concerned so I smiled letting her know everything was okay & I said " I'm in love w/ you. " she replied " I love you too, but can we do something today? " she was nervous to ask that question & I knew she was but I said " anything " , she than asked the question I didn't want to hear but I agreed to . she asked " can we go to the airport to see austin? "

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- Cristina -

I was nervouse but I asked Matthew if we could go to the airport to see Austin & he looked disappointed but he agreed to it, so we set off to the airport before we left the house I put on twitter " going to the airport to see Austin :) I missed him ♡ " & we left, I could feel my phone blowing up w/ tweeted from my followers & ah bunch of mahomies , I slowly walked into thw airport , Matthew was holding my hand, the speaker guy in the airport said " flight 74 from Miami just landed. " I knew that was Austin's plane, I smiled because it was 74 , I knew how that number worked.

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- Austin -

my flight finally landed , what ah coincidence I was on flight 74 , I got off the airport , than I saw ah familiar face waiting for me , it was Cristina , I smiled so big  until I looked down to her hands to see someone holding her hand , I looked up to the side of her to see Matthew out of all people holding my first love's hand, they're dating , I cannot believe this , I saw her let go of his hand & she came running toward me, I dropped everything I was holding & she finally jumped into my arms giving me ah hug that sent chills down my spine , I was carrying her hugging her tight I didn't want to let go & I heard her whisper in my ear she said " I missed you so much, I'm still in love w/ you. " that brought ah smile to my face , I finally put her down & she kissed me on the cheek, that was the kiss I've missed for so long, she than started walking back to Matthew telling me to come along w/ her , I didn't want to but I did anyways.

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- Matthew -

we got into the airport , I saw him coming out of the Miami entrance , he looked broken but than I saw him find Cristina in the airport , suddenly that broken boy turned into the happiest boy, she let go of my hand running to him, she leaped into his arms , hugging him for ah long time , it made me mad but I did break them up & I'm to blame , I feel bad I did that because looking @ them now, they'll never stop loving eachother, he put her down , I could see how happy she made him, she kissed him on the cheek, his cheeks were turning red , she started walking back toward me, I never took my eyes off of him because I could see he was broken.

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- Austin -

I was broken because I knew deep down I'm just ah friend to her & right now that's all I'll ever be. I walked up to Matthew, I smiled @ him , he smiled back sticking his hand out for me to shake it, I was still pissed but everyone knows I am too nice so I stuck my hand out also , we shook hands & we exited the airport, as we were walking Matthew said " babe I have to go to my practice, I love you , bye Austin " she smiled replying " okay I love you too " she kissed him , he kissed back, that broke me into ah million pieces to hear her say I love you back to him, could she really be in love w/ him, I think Matthew's crazy leaving her here w/ me though.

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- Cristina -

Matthew left to go to his swim practice, he was leaving me here w/ Austin, he quickly said bye kissing me, I kissed back, me & Austin started walking & talking , he than said " Cristina I missed you so much , how long have you & Matthew been together? " I replied " austin I missed you too, & we've been dating for 8 months now. " he looked surprised replying " wow so your in love w/ him huh? " I replied " yeauh I am, do you have ah girlfriend? " he took awhile to reply finally saying " yesss , her names jacky. " I was hurt because he has ah girlfriend & I love him so much I finally replied " oh how long have you been dating " he took awhile to reply again " 3 months . "

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- Austin -

why in the world did I just f*cking lie , I don't have ah girlfriend , I've been single all year to maybe have another chance w/ her & I lie ! we continued walking , we finally got the spot where I met Cristina for the first time, in my driveway, I than said " Cristina I don't have ah girlfriend I'm in love w/ you still. " she looked surprised but happy replying " I'm still in love w/ you too. " & I leaned in for ah kiss , she did the same but than . . . . ♥

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end of chapter 25, thank you for reading it took me like 30 - 45 minutes to write this one ♡ the year's almost over, what do you think of this chapter? (:

sorry if it's boring, keep voting & commenting please <3

follow me on twitter @CristinaMahone & follow my bestfriend @ameezymypizza (;

everything happens for ah reason ♥Where stories live. Discover now