chapter 24 ♥

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- Austin -

I'm so done , I'm single , she kissed him back that's why I'm done , she had the courage to kiss him back right in front of my eyes , why is this happening to me , she really messed up this time, I love her w/ all of my heart, oh well it's time for me to move on. I started walking around thinking about what we've been through together , than my phone rang I answered . . . . ♥

" hello? "

" Austin come on your late for rehearsals . "

" damn it okay Dave tell everyone I'm on my way. "

" okay too busy w/ your girlfriend huh? "

" she isn't my girlfriend , I'm done w/ her bye. "

I ran to the studio because I was about to hear my second song say somethin' ♥ as soon as I got there they played it back for me, I loved it & everything but than it took me back to that night I met Cristina , she made me feel ah way I never felt before I cannot take this anymore I already miss the hell out of her, i can't go on w/ out her, the song finished playing & I got ah text from Cristina saying . . . . ♡

" bae bae I know what happened earlier was total crap , & I'm sorry that happened but you have gatta' know that I love you w/ all of my heart, I know that your hurt , I don't know why Matthew did that but me & you together have been through hell & back. ♡ we can't let people get to us & break our relationship because face it that's what they've been trying to do since November 6th ♥ baby , I'm still here & not going anywhere I promise, I love you ♥ I hope your still MINE because baby I'm ALL YOURS forever & ever til' death do us part ♡ I wanna' grow old w/ you. :') "

reading that , I teared i can't help it I really can't , I'm just so deeply in love w/ her , ♥ I have to think about it ? ♡

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- Cristina -

I ended up sending Austin ah long message , hopefully he takes me back because I'm so lost w/ out him, I got my earphones & put on iheart radio & suddenly I heard the announcer say " this is Austin Mahone's new single say somethin' " &  the song flew through my ear drums like angels . . . ♥ I heard the love of my life singing like an amazing piece of art, his voice was perfect , the way the words went w/ the rhythm ♡

" Say somethin' if you feelin' the vibe, Say somethin' baby don't be so shy, Say somethin'  cause your all in my head like oh oh oh oh yeauh yeauh, say somethin' cause' your drivin' me crazy, Say somethin' cause your drivin' me wild , say Somethin' the way you workin' it baby it's oh oh oh oh yeauh yeauh, oh yeauh. "

the song ended , & I think that song was about me, how could I let ah guy like him slip away? /.\ I love him so freaking much what am I going to do, I need to do everything in my power to get him back ♥ I walked around for awhile just thinking about everything that has happened to me, an amazing boy came into my life, Matthew has always been there for me , Jayda is my bestfriend , & I believe that all of this is happening for ah reason ♡ it may be happening because god wants to know how strong my relationship w/ Austin is & how much we can get through, or it's trying to tell me that Matthew has always been the guy of my dreams, I'm losing focus on all of this , I can't comprehend any of it but I know that in fact I'm in love w/ Austin, & I DO love Matthew but I'm not in love w/ him, while I was thinking my phone was vibrating like crazy to see 25 messages just from Matthew, I opened one message that read " I'm sorry for kissing you like that I shouldn't have because your my bestfriend , but you have gatta' know that . . . . . I'm in love w/ you. ♡ " I stopped what I was doing, read the message over & over again because I loved reading it , I loved reading the name that sent them because I loved him back.

. . . . ♡

- Matthew -

I typed out messages to get her to forgive me on what I just done, than I finally typed the words I've been wanting to tell her for so long " I'm in love w/ you " I do love her , & tonight I realized that I can't live w/ out her so someway I'm going to get her back into my life, I don't care how I'm going to do it but I know I can.

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- Cristina -

I don't even know what to do , I'll let Austin think about it for awhile but I'm going to just take my walk, I decided to walk around the town for awhile , that's when I bumped into Jayda, I was mad @ her because she knows I love Matthew but than again I shouldn't be mad because I'm in love w/ Austin, she smiled @ me & said " stina I'm sorry for what I did , I don't know what I was thinking , I don't even like Matthew , I'm in love w/ Alex . what have I done stina ? I need him back. " I looked @ her w/ ah slight smile & replied " I forgive you, plus your my bestftiend we promised to never let guys get between us. " she looked up concerned @ me & said " but Matthew isn't just ah guy , we both know he's much more than that to you. " I just hugged her not knowing what to say , I didn't want to believe it but I knew deep down she was right he wasn't just ah guy.

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- Austin -

I decided to call cristina, & I told her " I love you & everything but we seriously just need ah break, you have hurt me so bad & I just need time to recover , okay cristina I DO love you w/ all of my heart but I just can't take this heartache anymore. bye I love you , we can still be friends. " I could hear her crying after what I just told her , so I hung up because I knew if I kept hearing her cry I would've gave in to her, ah little time away from her wouldn't hurt would it?

. . . . ♥

- Cristina -

I got the call from Austin, he told me we're taking ah break & as soon as he said those words I started bawling my eyes out full of tears , I lost my everything & it wasn't HIS fault @ all , it was mine! I'm the one who messed up, I told jayda what he had said & she started hugging me & crying w/ me, I pulled back & just told her I'll talk to you later , she put her head down & said okay I turned around bumping into someone's arms , I didn't look to see who it was but I felt so safe in their arms I hugged them , & there hands tilted my head up to look into there eyes , he wiped my tears & said " I'm in love w/ you. "

. . . . ♡

who's arms do you think she ran into ? ♡ & I know this chapter is  short but I hope you all like it :') follow me on twitter @CristinaMahone ♥ Austin is back in San Antonio this week , what if it's finally my chance to meet him ? (:

I hope you like it ^0^

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