Chapter 1

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You know what sucks? Watching your friends all curled up into their boyfriends, embracing each other and sharing smooches while standing here being the third wheel. I clear my throat and my two best friends (Lisa and Jenny) blush a crimson shade and detach from their boyfriends arms.

"Sorry, Luce. Forgot you were sitting there." Lisa giggled, along with Jenny and their boyfriends. Oh, for the love of God.

I roll my eyes and get up to stand. "Well, you guys wanted me here to sit with you guys at lunch, like we always do. Excuse me, for actually listening like a good friend." I sigh, and shake my head. They open their mouths to protest with a dumbfounded look sprawled onto their faces. I speak up before they say anything, "Don't worry, you guys - " Wiggling my finger at them individually, "Can abide on whatever you're doing." With the smug looks on their boyfriends, Matt (Jenny's African American boyfriend, while she being Asian) and Lisa's Nerdy boyfriend, Andrew.

I turn to walk off, muttering about always being alone. Damn. "Thanks, Luce! I'll see you later anyway." Jenny calls out. I wasn't mad at them, in fact I'm happy for them. But being a 17 year old senior, who hasn't even experienced even a glimpse of a teenage life, was a little pessimistic. No matter how many times I tell myself to get a grip, and inform  myself a boyfriend isn't anything exciting, part of me wanted to feel something. I wanted a relationship I read in books, boy meets girl, they fall in love, happy ending, and blah.

Although it's still lunch, I'm going to head to the hallway to retrieve my books for next period. Walking past the jocks, one jock throws a football flying across the room towards another dude. The guy on the other side of the cafeteria passed it back. I eye the ball intently as its heading towards the area I'm standing in. My eyes grow wide as it smashes into my shoulder, wincing as my cheeks flush. Ouch. The boys around the table stare awkwardly as I rub my shoulder. That was probably the most embarrassing thing I've ever experienced. I could feel the guys and girls on the jocks table eyeing me and then they burst in laughter. Embarrassment coursed through my veins, blinding any rational thought to laugh along with them and brush it off. I don't. I blink the sudden rush of tears and run out of the cafeteria as the laughter dies down with the slamming of the door.

Tears stream down my face as I gasp and clutch my shoulder in the hallway. The pain has subsided to a minimum throb, but it still aches uncomfortably. I lean on my locker and close my eyes contemplating how this could all be a very embarrassing dream. I really need to seriously evaluate where I walk in the cafeteria, it was stupid of me to walk in the middle of a football passing. Fuck me.

I wipe the stupid tears off my face and yank my locker open then slam it. I bang my head on my locker repeatedly and muttering under my breath 'Stupid, stupid, stupid.'

"Careful there, you're going to give yourself a big ugly lump on your pretty forehead." I stop abruptly at the sound of Adams voice. Adam, my guy best friend and nerd buddy aka 'demi-god', he likes to think he is the son of Athena. (He's really into Greek mythology it's annoying sometimes), also  a very close relative to the family. We've known each other for as long as I can remember.

"Go away," I groan, as I'm leaning on the side of the locker and glare at him. He smirks with those plumb lips and those deep brown bug eyes and tousled hair. He would be cute minus the hundreds of acne on his face, though it seems to be clearing when I suggested he try proactive.

He walks towards me and pats lightly on my shoulder, I slap it off. "There, there Miss Hothead. That was quite a show out there." He says nonchalantly, though with his smug face he's definitely resisting the urge to laugh.

"Shut up and stop calling me that. I'm not short tempered. And, screw you. That was freaking embarrassing, fuck." I wimple with exasperation.  

"Not short tempered? Could've fooled me. And, stop swearing with that foul mouth of yours, not very lady like I might add." I roll my eyes at that but he continues. "Besides, it wasn't that bad, and it'll wear off by tomorrow, and everyone will forget and carry on."

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