Chapter 10

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I look into my reflection in the mirror, and a pale girl stares back at me. I’m wearing jeans and my favourite band t-shirt for school, and rocking my converses. My brown hair is dead straight, and ends just below my belly button. Just the thought of seeing Aaron at school today makes my stomach turn. I apply mascara and lip balm – I want to look good today, ever since Jenny basically called me ugly I want to prove myself that im worthy of Aaron. But, am i?

Shaking my head, I walk down stairs and grab a muesli bar from the pantry. I unwrap it and consume the strawberry flavoured oats bar. Im dreading seeing Aaron today, I don’t know why. The words Jenny said yesterday still clung to me. Her words swarming in my mind, ‘Out of all girls, he’s interested in you.’ I sigh.

“Why the long face, bub?” My dad says, holding his suitcase and checking his watch every 5 seconds.

“Am I ugly, Dad?” I ask, clearly curious. He fixes the same hazel eyes we share on me, and frowns.

‘Why do you ask that?” He replies solemnly. He cocks his head to the side, “Did anyone say anything to put that thought in your head?” He says it in his typical lawyer voice, likes he’s going to put someone in jail.

I laugh, “No, Dad.” I lie, “Just curious, I guess. That’s all,” I assure him.

His mouth forms a straight line as he studies me. “You’re beautiful, just like your mother. And if anyone says otherwise…” he trails off, and then checks his watch. “I better go bub. Have fun at school today, okay?” He kisses my forehead, and when my mother appears in the kitchen he kisses her goodbye.

My mother strides toward me, her slippers flip flopping on the tiled floor. “Not going to work?” I ask her, chewing on my breakfast bar.

“Nah. Need a ride for school today?” she says, while putting a piece of toast in the toaster. My mom looks good even when she isn’t trying.  Even her bed hair looks like she came out of the salon. What?

“Nope, but thanks anyway.” I say, getting off the stool and shouldering my bag. “Bye, Mom.” I kiss her cheek.

“Bye, Sweetie.” She says smiling while buttering her toast. “Oh, and you look pretty today. Is it for a boy?” She coos, smirking at me. I roll my eyes and walk out of the front door. I head off to school.  

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