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"Fuck" I yell cleaning my hand and grabbing a pair of gym shorts. I quickly slide them on and look towards the door to find DJ gone. I sigh and try to collect my thoughts before going into my room and face him. When I walk into my room this nigga is sitting there smiling hard as hell at me. I try to keep a straight face but we both burst out laughing together. He catches his breath and says "nigga u was into that shit in there yo" and starts laughing again. I'm lowkey embarrassed, but I can't let him see me sweat so I play it off and say "I was horny as fuck and you not trying to fuck with me." He stops laughing and it gets quiet as we just stare at each other not knowing what to say. His phone goes off breaking the silence, he looks down and smiles at whatever he just read. I try not to think about it and walk down stairs to the kitchen to get something to eat.


We're in JT's room laughing like hell about me catching him. Then he has to get all serious and say "I was horny as fuck and you not trying to fuck with me" this caused the whole mood to change. Sitting there not saying anything to each other my phone goes off indicating that I have a text message. I unlock my phone and it's a message from a friend of mine from back home. I smile as I type my reply and look up to see JT walking away. I finish replying and walk downstairs to see JT fixing steaks, shrimp, potatoes, and a salad. I walk over to him and ask if he needs help and he tells me no before turning around ignoring me standing there. I get pissed a little and walk out to the backyard and sit by the pool texting my homeboy Ryan.


I'm in here cooking and this nigga is outside on his phone like he always is texting away. I'm pissed at the fact I can't stop thinking about him and he acts like he doesn't care. My feelings for DJ are strong as hell and I just want to hold him in my arms all night long. I finish up the steaks and text DJ telling him the foods done, seeing him get up walking towards the house he has this big smile on his face. The fuck is he smiling about? Must be some chick or nigga he talking to making him smile like that I think to myself. I fix my plate and sit down in front of the tv in the living room surfing the channels trying to find me something to watch while I eat.


I'm sitting out here talking to Ryan about JT and how I like him. Ryan was one of my closest friends before we moved and he's the only person besides JT that I can talk to. He's telling me to tell JT how I feel, but I'm not sure if I want to do that right now. I walk inside and JT is sitting in the living room looking through the TV guide trying to find something to watch. I head into the kitchen and make my plate and walk over and sit across from JT on the other sofa. Again we sit there in silence not saying anything just watching tv. My phone lights up and it's Ryan again saying I need to say something to JT. I smile and JT gets up walking away mumbling something under his breath. The fuck is wrong with him I say to myself.


I look over at DJ eating his food and his phone lights up. He looks at it and smiles and I can't take it anymore so I get up and walk towards the kitchen and say real low "I hope that bitch is important." Once in the kitchen I empty my plate and throw it in the dishwasher and walk back over to the living room grabbing my phone. I walk outside into the nights crisp breeze and lay back in one of the patio chairs. Looking up at the stars I think of what DJ and I could be and just sigh. I close my eyes and open them feeling a presences standing over me and see DJ looking down at me.


JT goes outside after leaving me sitting in there alone. I finish my shrimp because they were good as hell and go put my plate in the sink. I lay my phone on the bar and walk outside to see JT laying in one of the patio chairs looking sexy with no shirt on. I just stand there looking at his body before walking over and standing over him. He has his eyes closed, but opens them and sees me standing there. He just looks at me and turns his head the other way, facing away from me. I sense something wrong so I ask him can we talk for a minute. He says "yeah whatever" but doesn't look at me when he says it. I sit down beside him and take a few breaths before telling him to look at me. He turns and faces me but seems annoyed that I'm here right now. "JT I'm not sure how to say this but I've been talking to my friend Ryan all day and he told me that I should talk to you. Look I have feelings for you that I've been trying to hide since we first met. I don't know where we go from here, but I'm willing to take a chance on us" I say and see a grin on his face.


DJ sits down beside me and I'm still pissed that he's been on his phone all day texting somebody else. He ask can we can talk and ask me to look at him. Looking at him our eyes lock and he starts telling me how he feels. I hear him but what gets my attention is his last statement, "I don't know where we go from here, but I'm willing to take a chance on us." That's all I needed to hear as I get up from my seat and grab his hand leading him into the house and up to my room. 

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