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Ring Ring Ring, the dismissal bell pulls me out of my thoughts. I head to the student parking lot and notice DJ's car is gone already. Shrugging it off I jump in my car and head home to do my homework. Pulling down my street I see DJ running from the direction of my house and going into his. When I got into my room there on my bed was my favorite desert from Cheesecake Factory, a card, balloons, and the picture DJ and I took right before school started. Sighing I think about all of the good times we had and how much I miss kissing his soft lips, holding him when we slept, and the sex we had regularly. Getting pissed again thinking about how he fucked that all up because he allowed Sydney to come between us knowing she wanted him for herself. I take the balloons outside and let them shits go, throw the card in the trash, take the picture and place it in my drawer upside down, but this cheesecake is life so I'm about to eat it because I'm lowkey fat lol. I knew he was trying to make things right and as I'm eating this cheesecake I wonder if I should at least hear him out because he knows I love this cheesecake.After hours of thinking about it I send him a text that simply said "thanks for the cheesecake 😋" and put my phone on the charger.


Laying in bed I wonder what JT is thinking since he got home and found the stuff I left in his room. Me knowing him better than I know myself I can bet you he didn't even read the card, took the balloons and popped them or let them go, and ate the cheesecake because he loves that shit. Feeling my phone vibrate beside me I pick it up and see JT contact info displayed on my screen. Quickly unlocking and opening my messages I read the simple text that said "thanks for the cheesecake 😋." That instantly caused me to smile hard as hell because I knew bae like the back of my hand. Knowing I at least won some points with him I drift off to sleep happy.

The next day at school I I don't see JT for the first half of the day so I wonder if he even came. Then after lunch I see him walking down the hall with some of the basketball and football players. Sending him a smile he turns his head as though he didn't see me and starts talking to his friends. Not paying attention to anyone else I didn't see Sydney walk up behind me and wrap her arms around my waist. Looking up and seeing the expression on JT's face I knew he was hurt and pissed all over again. I felt my anger building up as I took Sydney's hands from around me and looked her in the face and said "stop fucking stalking me. What part of me telling you I don't fucking like you like that don't you understand? Get it through your fucking head that what you think we have or could've had will never happen." All eyes were on me and I kind of felt bad for yelling at Sydney like that in front of all these nosy ass people, but I'm trying to get JT back and this shit she is doing is not helping. The look on her face told me she was embarrassed by me yelling at her but I didn't care at this point. She's never be rejected before so this is all new to her I guess. I mean she is the baddest girl in the school and every nigga in here wants to be with her, but I had the baddest nigga in the school and I fucked up when I slipped up and fucked her. "Fuck you DJ. You are a confused ass nigga. One minute you fucking me and then the next you want J..." she yells at me but stops before fully saying JT's name. Now she's really pissed me off because I know what she's trying to do. See the thing is people knew that JT was gay, but they didn't know about me. That's why we were keeping our relationship secret, but Sydney is trying to let me know in her own way that's she is trying to out me to all these people, but I got something for her ass I think to myself. "You know what Sydney since you can't seem to grasp the fact that I only fucked you because I was horny and drunk, you know what let me put it to you like this. You had to wait until I was drunk to get this dick because this (pointing at my dick) belongs to the one person you can't have. I had em and you couldn't get em on your best day. See the difference between you and him is he has my heart. I don't love you or could never love you the way I love him. He's my best friend, my rock, my heartbeat, my headache, hell he's my everything. Yeah I may be confused about somethings but one thing I'm not confused about is who I want and that damn sure isn't your hoe ass." I say to her through gritted teeth. All at once the whispers start and I hear one of Sydney's friends say did he say He has his heart. Sydney just stands there looking at me as tears stream down her face but I'm unfazed at this point. Fuck her and her tears I say to myself. Turning on my heels I turn around to see JT standing there watching this whole argument play out and he has this look of satisfaction and confusion on his face. I'm trying to read him but I can't. Continuing to hear the chatter of all these nosy ass people in the hall I grab my book bag from the ground and walk towards JT. He looks worried as I get closer to him, but once I make it to him I stop directly in front of him and his friends and look deeply in his eyes trying to search for something, hell anything that tells me he still cares. But I can't read him right now so I drop my head and start to walk away. But before I can get out of arms length he grabs my hand. I look up at him and he has this hard glare on his face but slowly it turns into a smile. He opens his mouth to say something, but I walk back up to him and cut him off. "I'm sorry JT, I know I fucked up and it'll never happen again I promise." I say to him sincerely and I lean in and kiss him right there in front of everyone. This kiss wasn't like any kiss we've shared before, this kiss held so much passion behind it. "Damn" I say as I pull away from him just to hear and see people gasping at what just happened, but I don't care what anybody thinks. JT looks shocked and taken back by what just happened, but I smile at him and he gives me that smile I fell in love with. "Five minutes JT is all I'm giving you. You have five minutes to be in the parking lot at my car" I say to him with lust filled eyes and walk away. He knows that smile does something to me.

There you go guys I finally got time to update. Work has been kicking my ass lately. 

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