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I feel like I've truly found my soulmate over the past year. DJ and I had our little issue last year and I've completely gotten over it. I mean every relationship has its issues, we had ours and it brought us closer together in the end. I hated Sydney for so long after that shit went down, but I'm not even made at her anymore. I loose my train of thought when I feel DJ shifting under my arms letting me know that he is either about to wake up or he's trying to get comfortable as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

I rub his back making small circles, he yawns and looks up at me with those eyes that I always seem to get lost in. "Morning babe" he says to me and I bend down and give him a quick peck on the forehead. He tries to reach up and give me a kiss on the lips and I move my head to the side. "Nah playboy you got dragon breath in the mornings. Go brush your teeth and then I might give you a kiss." He gives me a look that could kill and I bust out laughing as he gets out of bed and heads to his bathroom. After waiting a few minutes I get out of his bed and walk in the bathroom to him brushing his teeth. I walk up behind him and wrap him up in my arms and put my chin on his shoulder and look at him through the mirror giving him a smile. He tries to push my hands away but I grab on to him tighter as he spits the toothpaste out and says "move man don't come near me since I got dragon breath." I look at him and smile and pull him into me "I love you and your hot breath" I say kissing his cheek and running out of the room before he can punch me. Once he comes back in his room he looks at me smiling and says you're so childish.

Two weeks later......

Tonight is our final prom and it's a bitter sweet moment. I not only get to go with my best friend but also my soulmate. My parents decided to let me drive the Bentley tonight so I know this is a special occasion because they never let me drive this car. It just sits in the garage most of the time and collects dust. My dad says it's his summer car so it only gets pulled out to get washed after September to mid-April. I walk into my closet and pull my tux out of the bag and re-hang it. I send DJ a quick text and tell him that I'll be ready in an hour so that we don't miss our diner reservations.

I jump in the shower and do my hygiene and get out and wrap a towel around my waist. I look at myself in the mirror and smile at my reflection." I'm one sexy as nigga" I say to myself and walk into my closet to put my tux on. After checking myself several times I grab my watch and diamond studs and place them on, spray on my YSL Sport cologne (A/N: my friend wears this and I just want to jump on him every time I'm around him) and check myself one last time before heading down stairs. My parents are waiting for me at the end of the stairs and my mom's starts tearing up with her dramatic ass. I walk over to her and give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She grabs my arms and pushes me back some and looks me over again and tells my dad "Samuel we mad one fine as kid" and he starts laughing. Alright yall I have to go DJ and I are going to be late. I send DJ a text and tell him I'm ready to go.

Once I walk outside with my parents right behind me my heart skips a beat as I see DJ walking out of his house. He has on a white tux with navy blue vest and his gold watch and diamond studs. I smile at him and he smiles back and we meet in the middle of his yard. "You look good babe" I tell him why looking him over, he leans over and pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear "the way you look right now got me hard as fuck" he pulls away and I smile hard as hell just thinking about what we're going to get into tonight after the prom.

Our parents snap a couple of pics of us and we jump in the car and wave goodbye to our folks. I look over at DJ and I grab his hand and kiss it. Forty Five minutes later we're at Ruth Chris and I can't wait to surprise him. I don't think he has really payed any attention to my vest at all. He just knows we're both fly as hell. Our waiter comes over and takes our order and we sit there talking about our senior year coming to an end in a few more weeks. I know he wants to ask me about college again but I hope he doesn't bring it up. After waiting 10 minutes for our food to come out we finally are severed and let me tell you this steak I order was cooked to perfection. We finished eating and head out to our last prom ever. This night can't get any better....

Okay here is part 1 of the final chapter. The next update will be the end.

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