As Doc recovered from his giggle fit, he realized that some things didn't quite add up.
"Freddy, how come you didn't short-out when we were in the river?" Freddy always has an answer!
"We can be in water to a certain extent; if we are in there for too long, the water seeps into our endoskeletons. We got out just in time! That's why we were so keen to get dry." Doc nodded, satisfied with the answer."How come you, Chica and Bonnie don't lock up at 6?" Doc questioned further.
"We only lock up at 6 when we are inside the building. There's some sort of feild where we connect to the main servers meaning we can't exit the pizzeria on our own, we have to be dragged out. Outside the building however, the main servers can't tell us to lock up onto the stage. As for Foxy... he has to lock up at 6, inside the building or not." They looked over to the frozen fox that had been wrapped up in toilet paper by the four children. They laughed some more."Ok, children! Time to get some sleep!" Chica called after finding duvets and pillows in the furniture isle. Within seconds, every child was out like a light. "You too, Doc!" The chicken thrust the covers into his arms. In only a moment, he was asleep.
The animatronics that could move spent hours unpacking furniture and other accessories to make the place look a little more homely... -or like the pizzeria.
"Ok, let's find the security system in here! Bonnie, you take the right as always and Chica, take the left. Foxy, stay here." Freddy ordered like the fox was an obedient dog.
"As if there be anythin' else I can do!" The paralysed pirate grunted, his jaw unable to sync with the audio. Bonnie hopped down the hallway and Chica skipped down the other. Freddy hung back to protect Doc and the children if the zombies broke through the barricaded entrance.
"FREDDY, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS?" Bonnie called from down the corridor. Freddy jogged over and Chica checked it out as well. Bonnie had found a locked room labeled 'Cam room'. Freddy knocked on the door in attempt to get inside with no luck. All they heard was the gentile shuffling within.
"Excuse me, sir or ma'am... may we come in?" Freddy asked politely. No reply accept the being inside thumping on the door and giving a horrific screech.
"Must've left the window open..." Bonnie grimaced.They returned to the rest of the group who were still sound asleep. Foxy could only count the minuits till he could move again.
"Yearg, what be all the tumult?" Foxy asked.
"We found the camera room with a zombie inside. Could you help us break the door down at 12?" Chica summed up.
"As soon as I can move!" The pirate promptly waited.Doc yawned and stretched after his five hours rest. He smiled at the band's efforts of decorating.
Author's note: BB's pet rat has now met her maker. It's a shame, I half expected to see her whiskers twitch!

FNaF: Battle Of The Undead
Hayran KurguDays after the zombie apocalypse has brought the world to its knees, some survivors remain. When beloved children's entertainment bots are dragged into camp for parts, the scavengers will realize that they got more than they bargained for.