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There I was, walking down the isle in my long, sparkly, white wedding gown, holding onto my father's arm.

I look straight down and see Carnell, my fiance, smiling at me while I made my way toward him. We've been together for four years now. And I couldn't ask for anything more. He was a blessing, and I still remember the day we first met.

4 Years Earlier...

Me, my friends Valeria, Nashell, and both their boyfriends, Cristian and Devin were at the carnival. And I was the only single one out of all of us. Yup! Single as a penny.

I was so lonely and they were all picking at me about what guy I should go over and talk to. But, none of them caught my eye.

"Hey guys, I'll meet up with you later. I'm kinda hungry." I say as I walk towards a small store.

"Okay! Meet us by the Ferris Wheel in two hours, that'll be 7:00." Valeria says, clinging on to Cristian's arm.

I saunter into the store and search around for some snacks. I walk around and see a rack full of candy. I grabbed a pack of Haribo gummy bears and strolled towards a different rack.

Then, I saw a rack full of chocolate. I gasped when I saw the last Hershey Almond bar. I quickly sauntered towards it and reached to grab it. But as I do, another hand landed on it also.

I glanced up at the person to see the most attractive guy I've seen this whole day. He had beautiful brown eyes, caramel light skin, a buzz cut and some plump lips. When I say he was fine...he was FINE!

"Uh, sorry. I didn't see you reach for it." I spoke shyly.

He smiles at me. "It's okay. You can have it." He says, staring me in my eyes.

"Thanks." I say brushing some hair behind my ear. He just stared at me with a small smile on his face.

"I'm Carnell."

"I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you." I say still kind of shy.

"Nice to meet you too beautiful."

I giggled. "Thanks."

"Are you here alone or are you hangin' with friends?" Carnell asks me.

"I'm here with my friends, but I'm gonna meet up with them in two hours." I exclaimed. Carnell nods his head in understandment. "Well, bye." I voiced, heading towards the counter.

"(Y/N) wait." I turned around and peered at Carnell. "When you're done paying for your stuff, you should come and hang with me before you meet back up with your friends."

I smile at him. "Okay." I purchased my snacks and walked outside with Carnell.

The whole time, we got to know each other. We talked about our family, friends, and interests. And I have to say... we have a lot in common.

We got in line for the swings after I was done eating the rest of my candy. After waiting in line for a good five minutes, we got in our seats, and buckled ourselves in.

We waited a couple minutes before the swings finally rose and rotated. They went faster and faster.

We both laughed as the ride went a little faster and higher. I threw my hands in the air as the swing went 'round and 'round.

After the ride was done, we walked and talked some more. We went on a couple more rides before 7:00 hit. When it did, we headed towards the Ferris Wheel. My friends smiled and whispered to each other as they saw me approach with Carnell.

"Well, well, well. Who is this (Y/N)?" Nashell asked me crossing her arms and smiling.

I smiled. "This is Carnell everyone. Carnell this is Nashell, Valeria, Cristian and Devin."

"Wassup." The boys say. Carnell nodded his head.

"C'mon the line is moving up!" Valeria told.

After ten minutes, we all got into different carts by couples. Valeria and Cristian, Nashell and Devin, then me and Carnell.

As the Ferris Wheel went around and around, I felt Carnell grab my hand. I gazed at him and blushed. He smiles back as I gripped his hand tighter.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, then he wraps his arm around me. I think I'm starting to fall for him. It doesn't matter if we just met today.

After a couple of minutes, I lifted my head and looked at Carnell. He cuffed my cheek with one hand and kissed my lips.

He pulled back a little after. "(Y/N) I know we've only known each other for only a little bit, but in that little bit of time...I've fell in love with you."

I smiled. "I feel the same." I whispered. Carnell smiled and peckemy lips. This was an amazing day for me.

4 Years Later...

"You may kiss the bride."

Carnell grabs my waist and kisses me passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck as everyone stood up and applauded.

Carnell pulled back. "I love you Y/N."

"I love you too." I say as I kiss him again.

And I will always love him.

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