Meeting the parents

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"Babe, what if they don't like me?" Carnell my boyfriend of a year and six months questioned. I've been waiting and waiting for Carnell to meet my parents for so long. I wanted him to meet them so bad, but he kept stalling.

"Babe, they will like you. You're handsome, sweet, caring," I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're just simply an amazing person." I connected my lips with his.

Carnell smiled. "Awe, thank you babe." He pecked my lips once more, before we departed from our apartment and headed to my parent's house.

When we pulled up to the house, I noticed that Carnell was sweating and slightly shaking. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"Nothing really, I'm just a little nervous. That's all."

"A little? Babe, you're shaking and sweating like the sun is inches away from you." I laughed.

"Babe it's not funny. I really want them to like me, especially your father." Carnell exclaimed.

I sighed. "Carnell, they will like you. No, they'll love you." I smiled, rubbing his shoulder. Carnell took a deep breath, grabbed an old Burger King napkin from the cup holder and wiped the sweat from his face.

"Okay, I think I'm ready." I cheesed, then we emerged from the car. We strolled onto the porch and I rung the door bell.

"You ready?" I asked Carnell, placing my hand on his shoulder. He nodded his head and wore a nervous smile. The sound of the door creaking open grabbed our attention.

"Hey baby!" My mom greeted after she opened the door. She gasped. "Oh my God, is this him?" She asked with a big smile.

"Yes mom, this is him." I answered.

"(Y/N) you never told me he was this good looking!" She said. "You're so handsome! (Y/N)'s father and I have been dying to meet you!" My mom told Carnell excitedly.

"Thank you, I've just been too nervous to meet you guys." Carnell admitted.

"Mom, this is Carnell, Carnell this is my mom." I smiled. My mother gave Carnell a warm hug.

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" My mom squealed.

"Yeah, it's a pleasure." Carnell replied.

"Oh! Come in guys, it's getting chilly out here." My mom stepped to the side, and Carnell and I entered. We sat on the couch, where my dad sat across on the other side. I elbowed Carnell's side.

"Ow!" He whispered. I cocked my head towards my dad, gesturing him to go over. "Oh!" Carnell lifted from the couch and sauntered over to my dad. He gave Carnell a stern look.

Carnell stretched out his arm to shake my dad's hand, but he just sat with his arms crossed. "Uh, I'm Carnell, sir."

My dad didn't even shake his hand. This made me a little nervous. "You have to earn a hand shake from me, boy." My dad informed Carnell in a serious tone. Carnell lowered his hand in an awkward form.

"Uhm, Carnell, would you like a drink?" My mom asked after a few seconds of silence.

"No ma'am, I'm fine." Carnell responded walking back over to sit with me.

"Uh, okay...uhm, me and mom are gonna leave you two alone to bond." Carnell shot me a nervous look, his eyebrows rose like he was afraid.

"You'll be fine." I kissed his cheek, then my mom and I ambled up the stairs.

Carnell fiddled with his fingers, sweat beads trickled down the side of his face. He turned to my dad, who was still staring at him with a stern look.

"Com'ere, boy, let's go for a little walk." My dad uttered.

"Okay, sir." Carnell replied nervously. They both lifted from the couch and left the house. Then, they began slowly strolling down the sidewalk.

"So, Carnell, what made you interested in my daughter?" He asked.

"Uh, the first thing I noticed about (Y/N) a while back was her beauty. She was a very classy girl. Smart too. And I'm not the type of guy to like or want a girl for her looks, what she has, or what's on her body. My mother hasn't raised me that way." Carnell admitted. My father nodded his head.

"Alright." He connected his hands behind his back while they continued to walk. "How old are you?"

"Twenty one, sir." Carnell told.

"My daughter is only nineteen, are you aware of that?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ok, tell me ten facts about my baby girl." My dad said.

"Are you serious?" Carnell thought. But he still did as told. "She was born July 18, 1995. She loves spanish food, she hates bugs, she has a beautiful smile and adorable laugh, her favorite places are the beach and the mall, (Y/N) loves to sing and dance her heart out, she loves animals, she hopes to travel the world one day, she wants to have three kids-" After that, he cut Carnell off.

"Hold up there, boy. That reminds me. Have you ever had sexual intercourse with my daughter?" This question made Carnell stiffen up. Of course we had sex before...plenty of times.


"Tell the truth too. You don't want me to find out you lied to me."

"Yes, sir, we have. And it wasn't just regular sex...I made love to her, and I know no dad would want to hear this but-"

"Okay, I get it, boy. Let's just move on." Carnell was relieved, he was so uncomfortable answering that question. After ten minutes, they came to a stop at the corner of the street.

"You turned out more civilized than I thought." My dad confessed. "You're actually a polite, respectful, and well-mannered guy. That's the type of man I want (Y/N) to have." They began walking back to the house. When they entered, my mom and I were sitting nervously on the couch, waiting for them to return.

"Hey guys, how'd it go?" I asked.

"Good." Carnell smiled.

"Thank God! Mom, dad, we're gonna get going now. Bye." I said giving them a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye." Carnell waved as we left out the door. When Carnell was about to reach for the car door handle, my father called him.


"Yes, sir?" Carnell said turning around.

"Com'ere for a second." My dad said gesturing him with his index finger. Carnell jogged back up the stairs to meet with my dad again. My dad held out his hand, and Carnell shook it. "It was nice to meet you, son. You earned my hand shake and respect. Take care of my daughter, and keep her safe."

"I will, sir." Carnell nodded and smiled. I couldn't help but smile too.

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