Requested Bryan Imagine

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Bryan Imagine Requested by @angelartist


"I love you." Bryan whispers to me as we lay among my house roof side-by-side, gazing at the stars. I glanced over at him and smile.

"I love you too. And no one can change that." I leaned in and kissed his cheek. He smiles and wraps his arm around me. I cuddled up into his side and closed my eyes.

"I hope we never get separated." I say while Bryan brushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Trust me...we won't." Bryan wraps his other arm around me, making me feel safe and secure. All of a sudden, my phone vibrated in my back pocket.

I sat up and took my phone out. It was a text message from my mom informing me that her and dad are on their way back from the movies.

"Oh no." Bryan sat up besides me.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a voice of worry.

"My parents are on their way home. You have to leave." I exclaimed. We both stood to our feet and climbed down the way we got up.

I ran inside the house while Bryan met me outside of my living room window. I opened it so we wouldn't be separated by the barrier between us.

"I love you Bria, see you tomorrow." Bryan says as he comes closer to the window. We heard the sound of my parents pull up in the drive way. He hurries and cupped my face, delivering a passionate kiss upon my lips. His lips were so soft and I took in every second of the kiss, not wanting to let go.

Bryan pulls back and pecks my lips one more time. "Bye." He says before running off to avoid being caught.

For some reason, my parents aren't too fond of Bryan. And I never understood why they just won't give him a chance and accept the fact that he's my boyfriend and he's not going anywhere.

By the time Bryan disappeared away from my house, my parents walked in.

"Bria why are you hanging out the window?" My mother asked, setting her purse down on the coffee table.

"Nothing...I was just watching the moon I guess." I lied.

"But the moon is on the other side of the house." She says giving me a stern look.

"Well, I said I guess, right?" I say closing the window. "Anyways, how was you guys night?"

"It was great. The movie was alright." My dad answers, taking his coat off and hangs it on the rack by the door.

"That's nice to hear." I lied trying to make a suitable conversation with them. "Can I ask you guys a question without you getting mad?"

"Yeah, what is it sweetheart?" My mom asks sitting on the love seat.

"Why don't you guys like Bryan?" I ask hesitantly. My dad stayed silent.

"Honey, I don't dislike Bryan, I think he's a good kid. It's your father that has a problem with him." My mom admits.

"Dad?" He ignores me and walks into the kitchen. I teared up and ran to my room. I slammed the door and locked it. He's so ignorant and hateful! Why is he like that?

I bury my face in my pillows and bawled my eyes out. I wish Bryan was here to comfort me and dry my tears. I close my eyes. A few minutes later, I drifted off into a slumber.

Clink! I woke up to a clinking sound. Clink! There it goes again. Then, I look at my window. Clink! A rock was thrown at it.

I check the time on my digital clock. 2:32 a.m. Seriously? Sluggishly, I rose up and opened my window. It was Bryan. My face lit up in excitement.

"Bryan, what're you doing here?" I ask. "You're gonna get caught!'

"I just couldn't stay away from you, Bria." He answered. My cheeks grow red from blushing. Bryan begins to climb onto the vine ladder on the side of the house.

"Bryan, what're you doing? You're gonna get hurt!"

"Stop worrying so much...I'll be fine." Bryan says before he climbs fully up the ladder and enters through my window. "See. What I tell you?"

I smile. "I missed you Bryan." I say wrapping my arms around him, and giving him a tight squeeze.

"I missed you too." Bryan says hugging me back. He walks me to my bed and lays me down. Then, he lays next to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I pulled the covers over us and snuggled deeper into Bryan's chest.

7:56 AM

I woke up and Bryan was still here. He probably fell asleep by mistake. I read my clock and it was 7:56. Oh no..

All of a sudden, my room door swung open, revealing my father. My eyes widened in fear.

"Bria! Why the hell is this boy in your bed?!" He screamed. "Get up! Get up now!"

Through the screaming, Bryan wakes up and sees my father. He automatically knew he made a mistake.

My dad came charging towards me. "I want him out of my house now!" He yells as he points his finger in my face. Bryan gets up. "Get the hell out of my house!" He yells at Bryan.

My dad then grabs my arm and yanks me. "Sir, stop!" Bryan yells at my dad as he tries to break me loose.

But the outcome came out worse than I thought. My dad cocked back his fist and punched Bryan. Bryan fell on the floor holding his jaw.

"No!" I broke free from my dad and ran over to Bryan.

"I don't want you to ever see him again!" My dad yells.

"Just shut the fuck up, alright! Bryan isn't going anywhere! Can't you accept the fact that he's my boyfriend and you're going to respect him! Why do you hate him so much?!" I snapped at my dad. "I love him and he's here to stay!" I screamed, bawling my eyes out.

My dad stood angrily, breathing hard. "I just don't want my little girl to grow up so fast and get her heart broken." He says sternly. "I'm only trying to protect you!"

"From what? Bryan isn't like all those other guys. He loves me and he will never hurt me. Dad, I'm 17 years old. I'm not a kid anymore. You just have to let that sink in."

Bryan sits up on the floor. I hugged him. Nothing and I mean nothing will break us apart.


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