I got you

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You and your best friend, Patrick, have been walking in the cold, winter weather to get to your house for ten minutes now. Snow melted under your feet as you both walked.

Occasionally, you'll look over at him as he stared at the ground. You studied every feature of his face. How he'll slowly blink from wind blowing in his face, how his breath froze into the air as he exhaled, and you especially loved the dimple in his chin.

You've been friends with him since the fourth grade, and you hope one day, you'll be able to step out of the friend zone and become more than friends. Maybe even his wife one day.

As you stared at him, he looked over at you as if he felt your stare. You quickly turn your attention away and blush, making your cheeks as red as your nose.

Patrick giggles. "I saw you staring at me."

"Oh...sorry. It's just...nothing." You say dropping your sentence.

"You know you can tell me anything (Y/N)."

His voice was like milk and honey. If that even made sense. It was soft and comforting.

"It's Nothing. I don't think you'd understand." You say adjusting your hat that you wore under your fur coat's hoodie.

You and Patrick finally arrived at your house and stood on the porch.

"Tell me." Patrick said as the white cloud that emerged from his mouth disintegrated into the air.

You stared deep into his eyes, then leaned in without thinking about it, and kissed his lips softly. After five seconds, you pulled away. As you did, you suddenly realized what you've done. Your eyes widened when you saw the surprised expression on Patrick's face.

Your cheeks turned cherry red in embarrassment. "Oh my God. Uh, I have to go! Bye Patrick!" You were about to run over to your door, but Patrick grabbed your hand.

He gently pulled you back. You bowed your head, trying to avoid eye contact.

"What's your rush?" Patrick asked softly.

"Um...I don't know, I just have to go." You responded with your head still bowed. Patrick lifted your chin up with his index finger and stared into your eyes. He studied your facial expressions and smiled.

Suddenly, he leaned in and kissed your lips. Your heart melted. You didn't think this would ever happen. After ten seconds, Patrick pulled away.

"Now we know how we both feel about each other." He says. "I've wanted to do this for the longest to be honest." He chuckled.

You were shocked that Patrick had felt the same way about you. "I didn't know that you liked me." You spill.

"Like? (Y/N) I love you."

Hearing those words made your eyes watery. Patrick dried the corners of your eyes with his finger.

"Patrick, I've had the biggest crush on you since the fourth grade. I guess the clues I gave weren't that obvious, huh?" You admitted.

"Well, now that we both know each other's feelings, you should be my girl." Patrick says softly. You smiled while blushing.

"Yes." You responded.

Patrick smiled from ear to ear. "I promise that I'll never hurt you or let you go. I got you."

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