Requested Dustin Imagine

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Dustin Imagine Requested by @TiaraPerenz2


I sluggishly dragged myself out of my king sized bed, and sauntered over to my bathroom. I undressed myself and hopped in the shower. I have an hour 'til I go to my job at the local diner.

That job only pays $7.49 an hour. Sure not enough to pay for anything. I turned the knob to the hot water and grabbed my sponge. Then, I grabbed my Dove body wash and washed up.

( 20 Minutes Later )

I slipped on my uniform and apron, then I brushed my hair into a high pony tail. I grabbed my purse, then headed outside to my gold, Nissan Altima.

( At the Diner )

"And can I have two creams?" A customer asks as I went to go pour him a hot, cup of coffee.

"Sure." I sauntered over to the coffee maker, and grabbed the coffee kettle. I poured the coffee to the blue line inside the perimeter of the cup, and sat it on a small saucer. Then, I grabbed two creams and put them next to his coffee, and gave it to him.

"Thank you ma'am." The man said as he tore the paper cover from the cream.

Ugh! I hate when people call me ma'am. It makes me feel old. I'm only twenty-three. Damn.

The bell on the door alerts me that another customer has entered. I stood ready behind the counter, as the guy took a seat in front of me. He was so handsome.

He smiled at me as I stared in a daze at him. "Uh...hello?" The guy says, waving a hand in my face. I shook out of my daze in abasement. I was so embarrassed.

He chuckled. "Can I have today's newspaper?" He asked. "Uh...Tiara?" He says squinting his eyes at my name tag.

"Uh, yeah." I strolled over to the newspaper stand and grabbed the first one. I ambled back over and handed it to him. He was peering at the menu.

"I think I'm ready to order." He says smiling at me. "By the way, my name is Dustin."

I smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"You know you're way too beautiful to be working here." Dustin stated.

I giggled. "I know, the money they pay is getting me nowhere." I exclaimed getting out my ordering pad and a pen. "So, what would you like for breakfast?"

"Oh! Um, the eggs, bacon and home-fry meal." He says.

"Would you like your eggs sunny-side up or scrambled?"


"And your bacon?"


"Okay." I say writing the rest down. "And would you like a drink?"


I put his order on the clip to the rack and made his coffee. I gave him his coffee, and waited for his breakfast to be done.

Dustin smiles at me. "What?" I blushed.

"You're just so beautiful." He voiced.

I blushed harder. "Thank you." I said, accepting the compliment.

Dustin and I talked until his breakfast was done. I sat everything in front of him, and poured him more coffee.

The guy that I catered to earlier left and gave me a five dollar tip. These tips are nothing. One time, a lady had only left me two bucks. Like, what the hell? Seriously? Was my service that bad?

As I catered to other customers, Dustin ate and watched me the whole time. He was done eating by the time I was done with the other customers.

"You move type fast." He tells.

"You have to when you work here. These people can get very impatient." I told, wiping the counter down with a sanitized rag.

"Well, I think I'm done here." Dustin says. He rose up and pulled money and a piece of paper out of his pocket. He asked for my pen and wrote something down on the paper.

He then sat it on the counter in front of me. "Bye Tiara."

"Bye." I wave as he steps out the door. He left a fifty dollar tip, and his number.

"Call me." the paper read. I grinned to myself. Maybe getting a job at this diner was a good thing after all.

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