Chapter 14

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"Er, well yeah. Right now however, I have a match to attend to, soooo tell you later!" I squeaked, dodging the grabs they made for me and running for the bathroom. I grabbed my robes, all my quidditch equipment, a hair brush, hairbow, and my tooth brush. I dodged them again and ran downstairs, tripping into Harry's arms. "Well hello!" I smiled, standing up straight. He kissed my forehead with a smile, taking my hand.

We stopped outside the girls bathroom, I went inside, remembered I forgot toothpaste, summoned it, and brushed as pulled up my hair while I was waiting. I brushed my teeth quickly and got dressed in my robes. The match was apparently moved to one this afternoon, though I'm not sure why, so we're going to have a short practice before the match, kind of like a pre-game warmup for muggles.

"Ready!" I smiled, racking my brain for a spell to send these back upstairs to my room. I couldn't think of one. Harry an I walked into the hall for breakfast, huge grins plastered on both of our faces. Harry's hair was tussled in all different directions, but even more so than usual, and he had a big confident grin on his face as he wrapped me up in his arm. A few Gryffindor boys, and surprisingly enough, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff boys as well, wolf-whistled.

"Someone got laid!" A Slytherin yelled, snickering loudly. I blushed scarlet, sitting down at the nearest seat. Harry rolled his eyes at the Slytherin and sat down beside me, keeping his arm firm around my waist.

Of course, that's when, He showed up. I thought we got rid if Finnigan? It's so weird! Every time I start to think he's going to leave me alone, he comes up to me out of the blue! I don't even know why, it's just weird. Harry glared at him while I began eating oatmeal with brown sugar. Deliciousness. "Hello Gracelyn." Seamus nodded at me stiffly, surprising me further.

"Er, hey Seamus!" I have him a brief smile before spotting Hedwig in the air. "Mind if I borrow her real quick?" Harry rolled his eyes with a smile, shaking his head 'no'. I took the letter from Dad and gave her my toothbrush and hair brush, only after shrinking it with a charm. "Here girl, will you take these to my door?" I gave her a few treats, she hooted, nipping my finger affectionately and flew off. Seamus stood there awkwardly. Again with the awkward!

"Is it true?" Apparently he's going to be blunt.

To bad 'cus I don't know what he's talking about. "What?"

"I heard what that Slytherin said, and to be honest, it looks like it. So, is it true?"

I leaned back into Harry, crossing my arms with a defiant look. "And if it was?" His face paled even more. "Look Finnigan, no, it wasn't true. However, even if it was, I don't see how it would be any of your business."

"So piss off!" Harry snapped, still glaring at Seamus. I rolled my eyes, but I didn't really mind. Seamus just annoyed me. He walked away, grumbling, at the same time the gang came in. Nat, Ginny, and Ron were all dressed in their robes, but poor Ron looked REALLY pale.

"Potter!" Nat yelled, running over. Mione and Ginny followed her quickly, giggling like mad. Ron trailed behind them wearily, eyeing Harry an I. "You didn't ask permission!" She snarled, jabbing Harry in the chest with her finger. I glared at her while Ron plopped down with a sigh.

"For what?"

No one said a word. He looked more alert, and also, slightly angry.

"For what?" He repeated himself through clenched teeth, though his voice was deadly calm. The calm before the storm, as you could say.

"Weasley, meet Potter! Your new, soon to be, brother in law!" Nat sang happily, making spirit fingers. I groaned inwardly, waiting for Ron's outburst. None came.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style 2 *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now