Chapter 17

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* * * * * Harry's POV * * * * *

Ron, Hermione and I raced through the halls of fighting people, shooting curses at any death eaters we see. "Do you think she hates me?" I whispered to Hermione, guilt washing over me. She raised an eyebrow, hitting a death eater in the face with Reducto.


"Gracie of course." I rolled my eyes, slightly irritated. "I promised her I'd never leave her behind again."

"Harry, it's either she sits and keeps those babies safe or she comes with us and they die. I'm positive she doesn't hate you. I know Gracie can be stubborn and a bit headstrong, but to hate you for wanting to protect them? She loves them too, she wouldn't do anything to endanger them. Merlin's beard, she spent most of the time so far making sure the younger kids that AREN'T hers gets home safely." Hermione smiled at me, glancing at Ron repeatedly. What exactly happened with them? I shook it off as I led them towards the shack.

"It really is amazing how many memories we've had at Hogwarts." I chuckled, shaking my head while looking at the Shrieking Shack. The time Fred and I found Nat and Gracie here flooded into my mind and the struggle not to laugh started. Ron chuckled too, shaking his head as well. We hid behind a screening, seeing the snake on the other side. We also saw Voldemort and Snape.

My blood boiled at the sight of them. Dumbledore trusted him, how many times did I try to tell the headmaster Snape wasn't on our side? He just wouldn't listen. "My Lord, what are we doing here? Shouldn't we be looking for Potter?"

"I need not look for him Lucious for he will come to me." Tom hissed, making my eyes fly to a third figure. Snape was still standing quietly in the corner. I can't believe him. Such a coward. "Go now. Go." Tom's voice seems to be a constant hiss, like he can't speak normally. Nagini was slithering about, but I didn't know what to kill her with.

"Oi, mate. Here." Ron whispered, answering my unspoken question. He handed me a basilisk fang, so I sent him a silent thanks, turning back to the scene.

"My Lord, you wanted to see me?" Snape drawled, seeming bored and on edge at the same time.

"Yes. Yes I did. You see, I've come to realize something. The elder wand, does not respond to me."

"Sir, you've done powerful things with the wand already." I couldn't help but notice he said powerful, not good or great. Snape also had a nervous tone to his voice, which confused me.

"Yes, yes I have. Though the wand does not fully, respond to me. I thought that if I took the wand from Dumbledore's grave, then the wand would claim me as his master. However, it was you, Severus, who killed him that night. On the astronomy tower." I saw Snape pale a bit, confusing me father. Nagini was slithering around Tom's ankles, looking up at Snape hungrily.

"My Lord-"

"I'm sorry Severus. You've been a faithful and loyal servant. I must do what I have to do though. Nagini, dinner." With that, Voldemort was gone. My eyes widened in horror as I watched that bloody snake attack Snape. Hermione cried into Ron's shoulder, but I couldn't tear my eyes away. No matter what you've done in the past, that's no way to die. When the two were gone, I wasted no time in running to my ex professor.

"Professor Snape!" I kept my voice quiet, half wary of Tom coming back, half not wanting to disturb him too much. He grasped on to my shoulder, eyes brighter than I'd ever seen them.

"Get, a vial." He rasped, shaking me weakly.

"I need a phial Hermione!" I shouted, nervous now. I've never seen him like this, and to be honest, it scares me a bit. It was thrust into my hands, I caught it and held it out as he placed the memory in it with shaky hands.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style 2 *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now