Chapter 7

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Sooooo Sam got grounded. She can't update for I think it's a week? Yeah, I think. She hand wrote this chapter and gave it to me at our sisters' basketball game. Sooooo here ya go!!!

I groaned, rolling onto my stomach to block the light. That hurt. I rolled back around and saw something I didn't think I'd see for many, many years. An ultrasound picture stood up amongst the cards on my bedside. W, why am I in the hospital thing and tell me that isn't mine?

I want a baby, but why now? Of all times! And, how can I tell Harry? I may never see him again! I'll be a bigger target, no, I won't. My baby will! He or She will be murdered before they're born! Carrying Harry's baby would be the best moment of my life, it it were any other time but now!

At least Tonks and I will be in the same boat. Her being pregnant with Uncle Moony's kid and all. Oh, where's Ginny? I looked around quickly, hoping I'd see her here, but I didn't. All of a sudden, death eaters marched in, the school behind them. I was picked out of my bed and my friends stared at me in horror.

"Gracie!" Ginny yelled, trying to run forward. I shook my head no, hoping she'd get the message, thankfully, she did. He held his wand to my back, Pettigrew that is. Why the bloody hell is he touching me?!

"Your baby is safe! Barely." He snickered, placing a hand over my stomach. "The Dark Lord is pleased. At first he was angry, but then he realized, what leverage could outdo a baby? A sweet, innocent little baby. Just like it's mother, the love of his life. His 'world', as he calls you. He wants to kill you himself, but knowing you're a fighter, he can't risk it. You shall die, now!" His wand jabbed into my back and green light filled the room. I hung my head, faking dead. Maybe he'll let me go?

Why aren't I dead? Unless, they're faking my death? No, no. I won't be their prisoner! I was ready to give up my little stunt, but they cackled and apparated out. The last thing I heard was my name being screamed and people crying. I have to keep my baby alive!

We appeared in Malfoy manner, Draco was here. So was Bellatrix and many, many others. I wanted to cry, cry and cry and cry, but I won't show that weakness. "What are you going to do with me?" I spat, glaring at them.

"Ah ah ah! I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Bellatrix taunted, skipping around me. "Now you have more than yourself to worry about! I'm so excited! I'm linked to Potter, through blood now! A new little baby to add to the mix!" She lay her hand on my stomach, and I felt like I was going to be sick. I jerked away from Pettigrew and slapped her hand away from me.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I hissed, debating whether I should have said me or my baby. My baby. It seems so natural. Like it's meant to be there, but not now. Why now?

"Draco! Take her to the dungeon!" I was picked up and drug to said dungeon, my only company a goblin. At least I have time to think, seeing as he isn't being very friendly. Okay, lets think.

I'm pregnant.
I almost lost my baby.
The father has no idea.
I have no idea where he is.
My baby is going to live.
I need help.
This goblin is none.
I have to get out of here.
My baby will be my priority.
At all times.

I placed my hand over my stomach and leaned my head back against the cool brick. Someone will save us soon.

Harry's POV* * * *

I walked into the courtroom, spotting Umbridge instantly. The locket was around her neck and Hermione sat beside her. Ron was with his 'wife' in the middle. I listened for a few minutes, but then slowly raised my wand to Umbridge.

"What are you doing?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

"You must not tell lies Dolores." I pointed it right between her eyes as I felt the polyjuice wear off. Hermione grabbed the locket as I stunned her and mass chaos broke out. The reporter didn't help, he just kept taking pictures, but the death eaters swarmed. Ron grabbed the woman and we all ran, setting muggleborns loose as we went. Dementors chased us to the shaft, so I shot my patronus at them. Hermione grabbed Ron and I, apparating. I saw the door to Grimmauld place, but then we changed course. We were in the woods, and I was a few feet away from Ron and Hermione. I heard Ron moan and ran over.

"Ron's been splinched! Harry, get in my bag and get my dittiny!" Hermione commanded so of course I did it.

"Accio." I casted, grabbing the bottle. I threw it to Hermione while she patched up my best friend. This is hell to watch, but I won't turn around. Hermione worked quickly, healing him up. "Why did we come here?"

"Yaxley has ahold of my foot. It will be a while before we can travel again Harry. Ron has to heal." She warned, handing me the necklace. I nodded, putting it around my neck as Hermione put up the protection charms. I saw a newspaper, half ruined from the weather, but it was still legible.

I pulled it out and froze. Gracie was on the front page. "Hermione! Ron!" I croaked, falling onto my knees. They both came running, looking at the paper. Gracie is dead. She was killed in front of the whole school.

"Harry!" Hermione pointed to a word on the page that made my world stop spinning. She had been pregnant.

Gracie's POV* * * *

"Bloody hell!" I yelled, banging on the bars. "Let me out of here! I'm bored! It's been two weeks!"

"Shut up!" Draco called, responding to my shouting. I flipped him off and called him a few curse words under my breath. "I heard that!"

"You were meant to!" I snapped, sitting down. It's actually kind of amusing. Here I am, one person in death eater central, two months pregnant, and half of these people are petrified of me! I don't even have my wand! Very few are brave enough to come down here. Partially because I hexed Draco. Wandless magic is the best.

"Put her in there."

"Who? Am I getting a roommate" I jumped up, skipping to the bars. My jaw dropped as I saw who it was, Luna. "Luna!"

"Gracie!" She ran over, hugging me through the bars. "You're alive!"

"Of course I am." I smiled, stroking her hair as she cried on my shoulder. It honestly scared me, Luna is so optimistic and always has a smile on her face. To see her cry was heart wrenching. "They can't get rid of me that easily."

"Ginny," *hiccup* "sent" *hiccup* "a story. To the Daily Prophet so they'd know you'd passed. Fred and George keep reaching out to Ron on their radio station, hoping he'll hear and tell Harry." *hiccup hiccup hiccup*.

"It'll be okay. I know it will, you've got to calm down before you make yourself sick, please?" I sat down, bringing her with me. She nodded and began to wipe her eyes, the smile coming back.

"How long have you been pregnant for?"

I blushed, putting a hand on my stomach. "Not long. Maybe a month or two?"

"That's longer than you think. That means only 7-8 months to go." Luna giggled, holding out her hand. "May I?" I shrugged, feeling a little awkward. I'm glad they've been feeding me enough to take care of my little baby.

I keep calling it my. I'm scared to call it ours, I'm scared to loose Harry and never get to let him meet his baby.

"He's not very big yet." I smiled, rubbing my stomach. Luna looked up with a small smile of her own, shaking her head. Almost like she was amused. "What?"

"He?" She giggled, taking her hand back. I'm so glad I've got someone to talk to! This has been driving me up the wall! They keep bringing a goblin down here, then taking him away, then bringing him back. And all he does is stare at me! Back to the thing at hand though.

"Yeah, I hope he looks just like Harry." I smiled, thinking of those gorgeous eyes of his. I miss Harry now more than ever, like it hurts. More than when he left. But now I have to be strong, for his baby. My baby. Our baby.

"How can you tell?" Luna hugged her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth as she watched me. I rested my head against the cool brick and stared at the ceiling, my hands still over my stomach. I do that a lot actually, without even thinking about it. It's like I think my hands will protect him from everything going on outside.

"They say you can tell by the things your craving, but I'm not craving anything right now. So I don't know. Mother intuition?" I giggled, closing my eyes. "I'm waiting for the day he kicks. Might just be the second happiest day of my life so far."

"What was the first?" Luna gave me an all to knowing smile, moving closer so that her head was resting on my shoulder. Knowing how cold it gets down here, I wrapped an arm around her to try and keep her at least a little warm.

"The day Harry asked me to be his." I smiled, thinking back. We haven't fought much. Actually, I don't think we ever did. I'm happy about that though, if we had, I'm sure I'd be doing nothing but wallowing and hating myself and regretting it right now. And if Harry thinks I'm dead, I'd like to think he would feel the same. Even if I didn't, and don't, want him to.

Wait. He thinks I'm dead.

"Luna, when did Ginny send out that thing to the prophet? When was it posted? How long have I been here?" I started to panic, my eyes went wide as I looked at her.

"The day after they faked your death. No one did anything for a week after that. We were all kind of scared. It was posted by that evening. And every day that week. You've been gone almost three weeks." I looked back at the ceiling, thinking.

"So I wasn't to far off. I thought it'd only been two. I was afraid you were going to say like a month or something and then I was going to be wrong on my baby calculations." I frowned, shaking my head. "So. Harry thinks I'm dead. I wonder how that's going over?"

Harry's POV* * * *

"When can we travel?"


"Hermione! When?" I snapped, my temper short. Like it has been since we've been on this stupid trip. Ron still isn't up for moving, everyone is grouchy and the necklace isn't helping.

"Harry! Take it off, now, give it to me." She commanded, glaring at me. I refused to listen. "Harry, this has to stop. I loved Gracie just as much as you did! She was one of my way friends, and I hate that she's gone, I hate it! But you can't go around acting like it didn't happen."

"It didn't." I hissed, narrowing my eyes at her. "Gracie wouldn't let it. She never would have let them win."

"Harry she didn't have a choice!" Ron yelled, stumbling out of the tent. I stiffened, glaring at the two of them. "Its over Harry. She's gone and she isn't coming back!" He and Hermione were both crying as I stared at them, refusing to believe that she's dead. I threw the necklace at their feet and left, walking into the woods with my wand drawn. I found a rock to sit on, and let it all out.

I can't believe she's gone. I won't.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style 2 *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now