Chapter 20

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I woke up the next morning with a jolt, nearly falling out if the bed. "Expelliarmus!"I panted, waving my wand at whoever was in front of me. Nat. She went flying back, since she didn't have a wand and I went a little heavy on the casting. I gasped, getting up and running over to her. "I'm so sorry Nat! I had a nightmare and I was being attacked and well, I'm sorry!" I rushed the words, helping her to her feet. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Just a little shocked. Are you alright?" She panted, her eyes still a little wide. I grimaced in guilt.

"I'm fine thanks. Just a little er, messed up, that's all. Bad dream. How's the baby?" I sighed, changing the subject quickly. Nat eyed me for a moment, but let it go.

"Not sure. I was hoping you'd check on her?"

"Sure." I crossed the room, checking Kelly's temperature. The fever had gone down slightly. "It's gone down, but I'd still take her to Pomfrey just in case. And I'd owl Fred. He was always really bad about Ginny and I getting sick. Real protective. I've never seen him more serious in my life. If she's sick and you don't tell him you're likely to end up with out a head."

"Thanks for the advice." She smirked, pulling the baby out of her crib. I nodded, grabbing my clothes and heading towards the bathroom. I took a quick shower and then got out. I brushed my hair and teeth, fixed my hair and got dressed. Today is not a make up day. Today is a 'I'm lazy' day.

I walked out and grabbed my bag, heading down to the hall. First lesson is cancelled, the first apparition class is today. Harry was waiting at the foot of the stairs, putting a spring in my step. I skipped right downstairs and gave him a quick kiss. "Morning."

"Sleep well?" Harry yawned, running a hand through his hair. He had dark spots under his eyes and he just generally screamed 'I need sleep'.

"Fine. And you?"

His eyes narrowed. "Fine."

"Liar!" We chorused, both glaring at the other. "You had a nightmare!" We continued to speak simultaneously. "So did you! No I didn't! Liar!" Our eyes widened.

"That was freaky. Don't do that again." Ginny shuddered, hopping down the stairs. "Every word was perfectly in sync."

"Yeah yeah. Go flirt with Draco."

"Geez Gracie. Just how much sleep did you loose?" I flinched, muttering an apology, I hadn't meant it to sound so harsh. "It's fine. I think you need to miss a lesson though. Go to the hospital wing and tell her to give you a Dreamless Sleep potion.

"Don't need it. Just need to go and get my mind off of it." I sighed, Harry an I wrapped an arm around each others waist. Ginny eyed me for a minute, then nodded and walked away. I noticed Harry's Advanced Potion Making book sticking out of his bag. I'd almost forgot about that book. "I used one of those spells."

"Which one?" He looked down at me, seeming highly interested now in the change of topic.

"Levicorpas. The nonverbal one cramped in the margin."

"That narrows it down!" He teased, leading me to the hall. I giggled, resting my head against him. I wish I could just take a nap, but there's too much to do as it is. "What did it do?"

"Just hung him upside down I think. Like a troll hanging you by your ankles. I could toss him around like a rag doll too!" I laughed, opening the doors to the hall. A very impatient looking man stood at the front of the hall, and there were hoops all over the floor. The teachers were stationed around the room, each of them wearing a different expression.

We found the others in the corner, two hoops left next to them. I took my place beside
Mione and Harry stood behind me with Ron. The hall filled up with only one hoop left, Nat's. "Where is she?" Mione whispered, stretching up on her toes to get a look at the double doors.

"She's taking Kelly to the hospital wing. And I told her to owl Fred so you know Molly will know. Shhhh! I think we're starting!"

"Attention! Attention! Now, this is Wilkie Twycross! He's here for one reason and one reason only, and that is NOT for you to waste his time. I want you all to listen carefully!" McGonagall gave everyone a firm look before relinquishing the attention to Twycross.

"Now, the three most important prospects of Apparition are the three D's!" Twycross squealed. Harry and Ron snickered loudly. I turned around to give them an, 'are you serious'? look, but they ignored me. They weren't the only boys to do it either. I rolled my eyes and Mione huffed beside of me. I could just imagine Dad right now, probably laugh himself and say, 'boys will be boys.' I turned back to Twycross. "They stand for Destination, Deliberation, and Determination! First, everyone find a hoop. Good, good. Now, focus on your hoop, Destination! Second, be Determined to get there, and third, Deliberation! Try it now!"

"I forget what deliberation means!" I hissed, hoping Mione heard me. She did, but she didn't tell me. She just rolled her eyes and continued with what she's doing. Fine then, be that way! "Alright!" I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut. "Destination. Lets see, my hoop is about six feet away, the left hand corner of the Great Hall. Check. Determination. Self pep talk will work. You can do it Gracie! I'm going to get inside that hoop. I want to get inside that hoop. I will get inside that hoop. And since I don't know know what deliberation means so, "DELIBERATE!" I shouted, spinning on my heel.

Nothing. "Shoot!" I grumbled, feeling stupid. Harry and Ron snickered behind me. I turned around to scowl at them, hands on my hips. "Lets see you do it then!"

"I'll do it. And with out shouting the word deliberate!" Ron laughed, squeezing his eyes shut. He stood there, not moving. Spun on his heel. Nothing.


"Yeah well at least I didn't look like a nitwit!" Ron challenged, glaring at me. I glared back, crossing my arms.

"I only shouted it because I don't know what it means!" I snapped, sticking my tongue out at Ron. He laughed harder, but shut up when Harry elbowed him.

"Neither do you. You just asked." Now it was my turn to laugh. Ron and I scowled at each other, I turned around and tried to do it again.

Hoop. Six feet, back corner. I'm going there. Now. Spin and deliberate! I actually moved! I moved about three feet. Half way there!

I was all excited. Until Mione, who had watched Ron an I in amusement, did it perfectly the first try. I muttered a not so nice name under my breath before concentrating hard. I made it four feet. Twycross, who had been watching, walked over and patted my head. "More Deliberation!"

Harry and Ron had to stop me. I lunged at him when his back was turned. When he was a safe distance away, they put me down, roaring with laughter. I glared at Mione who was giggling under her breath. She did it again twice before the lesson ended. Twycross just went up and down through the rows of hoops, watching and correcting people. Hannah managed to splinch herself on her fourth try and that's when the lesson ended. All of the teachers surrounded her and kicked us out.

"Load of bull. Deliberation! Pft! I don't need deliberation! I don't need to apparate! I'll just use a transport charm. Or a portkey. Floo network! The best yet, I'll use a dang broom!"

"Merlin Gracie! Calm down! You did fine, Hermione's just a know it all." Ron rolled his eyes, smiling at me. Mione glared at him but didn't say anything. She was still laughing at me, though I don't see why. It's not that funny. At least I moved, some people, cough cough Ron cough cough, didn't even move!

"A know it all who knows what deliberation means!" I pouted, collapsing into the chair in the common room. Harry laughed, wrapping his arms around me. He lifted me up, sat down, and placed me on his lap. Nat came bouncing down the stairs with the baby a minute later. "How'd it go?" I asked, holding my hands out for Kelly. She came to me easily.

"My child is a metamorphogus!"

My jaw dropped. A metamorphogus?! Sweet! Tonks will be so happy! I don't know very many metamorphoguses. She's the only one. "Did you write Fred?"

"Yes. He doesn't know she's a metamorphogus yet though. I didn't get to tell. I told him to get here because she's sick. But Dumbledore intercepted my message and now I'm going there. Gracie, can I talk to you in private sometime? Soon?"

"I'm free right now. Free period and then potions." I stood up to follow her to the dorm. "Yo Parvarti! Lavendar! Private family matter, can you all give us a second?" I smiled, gesturing for them to leave. I tried to be nice, but it didn't come out like I wanted it too. Slightly miffed, they left. I put a silencing charm on the door and sat down, waiting for Nat to continue.

"First of all, did you just say yo?" She crossed her arms, raising a skeptical eyebrow. I bit my lip and nodded while giggling. "Okay weirdo." She rolled her eyes, a teasing smile. Then it was gone. "I think I need to leave Hogwarts."

"What?!" I stood up quickly, ready to pull my wand. The Nat I know wouldn't say that. Ever.

"Well, it's not that I want to! Its just, it's hard, with the baby and all. I can't keep going back and forth and neither can she. Not to mention the fact that I miss Fred like crazy. And Molly has offered to homeschool me numerous times! I, I just think it'd be best. And I'd still get a full education! I just, I wanted to know what you think." She had tears in her eyes, but stared at the ground, waiting for an answer.

I paused, not sure what to say. Of course I want her to be happy, but I'm human, which means I'm selfish. I don't want her to go, I'll miss her. "Well, I definitely see your point. I'm not going to pretend like I'm happy about you going, I'll miss you like crazy. When it comes to what's in your best interest, I totally agree."

"Gracie, I think I have to go." She whispered, looking down at her feet again. I bit my lip, nodding. I've seen it coming for a while. She's a mum now, and that's one of the hardest jobs there is. But being a teen mum? Nearly impossible with out tons of love and support.

"I'll miss you!" I gave her my best brave smile and stood there, opening my arms for a hug. She hugged me tightly and we spent the next three hours, packing. Occasionally we'd find something that brought back a funny memory and we'd laugh about it, other times we'd see something to make us sad. You'd think she was gone forever the way we were acting.

The thing is though, I've gotten use to sharing a room with Nat. Even when she was pregnant and living with the twins, it didn't bother me because I knew we had Hogwarts. Now that's gone too. I feel like a baby.

"Oh! You're crying, don't cry! You'll make me cry too!" She whimpered, wiping at her eyes. I giggled, smiling. We hugged again as someone knocked on the door.

"Guys? Its Ginny. Fred's here!"


"I sort of told him I was thinking about it."

"Oh, okay. Well, I guess I'll see you next Hogsmeade trip?" I stood up, grabbing her trunk for her. She nodded furiously, getting the baby and all the baby stuff. I opened the door and met Fred downstairs. "Hey Bub."

"Hey Sis!" He gave me a smile, giving me a one armed hug. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. I'll miss her, but she needs to do what's best for her. And what's best for her is you carrying her trunk!" I smiled, handing it over. He laughed and nodded, kissing the top of my head. I turned around to Nat, giving her another hug. "Bye!"

"Bye!" She whispered, handing me the baby. I gave Kelly a hug and kissed her forehead.

"Now you be good! And use that new gift of yours to scare Daddy, kay?" I whispered, giggling. I swear she smiled at me! The three of them left and Harry and Ron came in. I missed classes. "Nat's leaving Hogwarts."

"Wow. I'm sorry Babe!" Harry walked over and pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled, letting him comfort me. I needed it. And he has really good hugs.

"You'll never believe what stunt Harry pulled in potions!" Ron laughed, sitting in the chair behind us. I rolled my eyes, but motioned for him to continue anyway. "We had to create an antidote to poison. No notes for those, right Harry?"

"Not from the prince anyway." Harry rolled his eyes, sprawling out on the couch. I sat in the floor in front of the couch, using the blanket Harry an I used the other night.

"Yeah so, we ran out of time and he didn't have a potion, so he goes to the store cupboard and what does he do? Cheeky bastard grabs a bezoar!"

I couldn't help but to laugh. "That's a good one!" I smiled at Harry, nodding.

"Slughorn thought so too. Twenty points to Gryffindor." He smirked, stretching. "Took a lot of work. I say it's nap time."

I rolled my eyes, but nodded. Don't know why everyone is so tired all the time now a days, but whatever it is needs to cut it out.
"I don't want to." I huffed, Harry drug me into the apparition room. Even if I get it it's going to be bitter sweet. I can't even get my license until July! So that means I'll know I know I can do it but won't be able to and that, my friends, is a lot of temptation. "Why? So he can tell me, more deliberation again? No thank you!"

"Come on Love! You'll like it!" He laughed, pulling me to two rings near the back. Ooh Snape's here! Definitely don't want to be here now. My worst nightmare, making a fool of myself in front of Snape. Joy.

I rolled my eyes, but didn't try to leave. I might as well stay. Twycross repeated the information and let us at it, he and the teachers prowling the lanes of hoops. I noticed Hannah wasn't there. Okay, focus Gracie. Destination, determination, deliberation.

I spun on my heel and found myself just outside my hoop. More deliberation. I walked back to Harry, who smiled and kissed my cheek. "Good job."

"Thank you. You know, I've yet to see you try it?" I smiled, poking him. He rolled his eyes, shut them, and spun on his heel. I giggled, he had screwed up his face in concentration and he looked so cute!

Harry moved about two feet. I applauded him, giggling while he took several bows, amused by my reaction. Twycross, who had had a stern look on his face, stopped to watch us with a smile. "Your turn!" Harry laughed, poking me.

I couldn't concentrate because I kept giggling, but somehow, I ended up in my hoop. I beamed over at Harry, squealing. "I did it!"

"You did it!" He laughed, opening his arms. I smirked and apparated right in front on him, catching him by surprise. I hugged him quickly, then pulled back, encouraging him to try again. Twycross was still staring, and it was slowly starting to creep me out. Harry did it! "I did it!" He mocked, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes but hugged him anyway. "We did it." He muttered, his eyes searching mine. He kissed me, then set me down when Twycross, McGonagall, and Snape cleared their throat.

Back to apparition.

"Come in!" Dumbledore has another memory for us, we'd gotten the letter in the middle of Defense Against the Dark Arts and Snape was not happy. We were working on an important lesson, death eaters.We'd gone with out hesitation though.

"Sir?" I panted, having run all the way up here.

"I've just collected a very important memory." He answered, dumping the contents into the pensive. "Lets go." He pulled us in behind him with our another word. I exchanged a look with Harry, but didn't speak.

Slughorn was sitting in a highly decorated chair, eating what seemed to be crystallized pineapple. "Tell me Tom, how did you know these were my favorite?" He smiled, eating another.

Tom was sitting with at least seven other Slytherins, the Lestrange's being two of them. I glared at Bellatrix, wishing I could so something in these memories. Wouldn't it be so simple? Go into a memory and change it? That'd also be a horrible thought. I didn't recognize the other people.

"Oh Sir! You know full and well how I knew!" Tom winked with a smirk, making everyone around him laugh. "Tell me Sir, is it true? Is Professor Merrythought retiring?" Slughorn looked confused, and also very surprised. The memory was suddenly foggy, and I couldn't see anything, not even Professor Dumbledore or Harry.

"Gracie! Professor? What's going on?" Harry's voice rang, I found myself inching towards it. I took his hand, squeezing it. He squeezed back, but I still couldn't see him.

"This memory has been tampered with." Dumbledore muttered, disappointment evident in his tone.

"You'll go wrong boy! Mark my words!"

That confused me. He'll go wrong for asking if a teacher is retiring? I mean, of course he did go wrong, but I don't think it has any thing to do with that question, if so, there is something seriously wrong with this world. The fog cleared and I knew for sure the headmaster was correct because I saw Slughorn and everyone else smiling. The meeting was over, people were standing up and leaving. How does that happen? Slughorn has to think Professor Dumbledore is stupid or something.

Tom stayed back, waiting after everyone left. He approached Professor Slughorn carefully. "Professor, I was wondering if you could tell me about horcruxes? Purely for educational purposes of course." Tom gave Slughorn a sweet smile, but the memory started to get foggy again. I groaned in frustration feeling that this is the purpose of the memory, and of course this would be the part he edits.

"I don't know anything about horcruxes. Other than that they're dark objects! Don't ask me!"And the memory was over. We were sitting at Dumbledore's desk. He, too, looked very frustrated.

"Sir, that was what we were looking for, wasn't it? Horcruxes?" I asked, sitting on the edge of my seat. Professor Dumbledore nodded solemnly, his eyes shut.

"So, so what do we do?" Harry asked, his brows furrowing. Dumbledore's eyes flew open, and he looked more serious than I've ever seen him.

"Find out. Find out what a horcrux is. I need you, and Gracie, to get that memory from Slughorn Harry." My jaw dropped. Us? If Dumbledore can't get it, what makes him think we can. "I have faith in you two. I'm afraid, we won't be able to continue our meetings until we have that memory. You're dismissed."

And he turned back to the work on his desk with out another word. So that's it? No more meeting until Harry an I get that memory. Bloody fantastic. "Rubbish." I muttered, climbing the stairs with Harry. He nodded and we walked in silence to the common room. Instead of joining Ron, Mione, and Ginny by the fire, we walked to the table in the corner of the room, sitting across from each other. We sat in silence for a few minutes until Harry spoke up.

"So, how do we so it?"

Question of the year.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style 2 *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now